
Our Art Intent 

‘Every human is an artist.’ Don Miguel Ruiz

Art and Design is a practical subject that develops creativity, imagination and self-expression. It is accessible to all abilities and crosses language barriers. At Holly Park our art curriculum aims to provide children with stimulating and engaging opportunities to use their imagination, explore ideas and work creatively in an enjoyable and safe environment.

Children will be encouraged to develop their natural curiosity and awareness of their world through skilful observations and direct experiences. Pupils will develop their understanding of the visual elements of art and their making skills by effectively using a variety of media and techniques.

Our curriculum ensures a progression of skills in techniques of painting, drawing, sculpting, collage, textiles and digital media across the year groups. It is inclusive and accessible and gives all children a platform to express their individuality and develop their self-esteem, resilience, confidence and critical thinking. These transferrable skills will help build their self-confidence across all subjects of the primary curriculum. The art curriculum expects children to be reflective and evaluate their work.

We encourage children to take risks and experiment, reflecting on their ideas, work and the skills used. Children will be introduced to specialist art vocabulary and a wide range of art and artists and designers from different cultures and time periods. By studying and exploring ideas, meanings and the context behind the art work, children will gain an understanding of how art reflects societies and traditions and how it can in turn impact them as well. This helps us create world citizens who are able to articulate their opinions and respond to ideas confidently. 

 As they progress through the school, children develop their artistic skills in:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Textiles
  • Printing
  • Collage
  • Digital Media

Children are encouraged to develop their ideas and to evaluate their work and the work of others.

Children are exposed to the work of great artists from different cultures and periods of history.

Art is a subject that lends itself well to a class topic and so frequently, you see other subjects ‘come to life’ through art.

There is a clear progression of skills in every strand of art.

Here is our Art Strategy: Art Strategy

Here are some examples of our Art Learning organisers: 

Developing Art vocabulary is also very important. Here is a progression of vocabulary development: Vocabulary subject sheet

Attached is a list of art galleries and museums in London  which families might like to visit.

Here are some of our fantastic art displays around the school.

Here are more of our art activities.