Houses at Holly Park

At Holly Park all of our children from year 1 to year 6 belong to one of our five houses. Siblings belong to the same house.

The ‘House system’ was set up at Holly Park over 10 years ago. Originally, the children and teachers put forward ideas about possible House names. Ideas such as planets, birds and famous people were put forward. The outcome of a vote resulted in the names of mythical beasts being chosen to represent the five houses.

Our five houses are :

  • Griffin – yellow
  • Hydra – blue
  • Phoenix – red
  • Unicorn – black
  • Dragon – green

Each house has two captains from year six. Here are this year’s:

Children at the school collect house points across each week for good effort, good manners, polite behaviour etc. These house points are added up each week. The winning house is presented with a cup for the week. Results are reported in the weekly newsletter.

We hold house challenges each year when the children from across the school work together in different age groupings within their houses to do various challenges to earn points for their house.

Past house challenges have included – choral verse, tower building, pancake races, relay races, poetry, a bake off and a potato Olympics.

At the junior sports day, the children race in house groups to earn points for their house.

House points are collected across the year and are added up to give a total .The house with the most points for the year is presented with the Margaret Maxwell Shield.

Annual House Challenge 2024

The theme of the house challenge was pancake tossing. The children worked in house team groups. Children in Y1 and Y2 raced against each other in houses, Children in Y3 and Y4 raced against each other and children in Y5 and 6 raced. 

The aim was to do as many relays as possible whilst tossing pancakes in the air in frying pans.