
Holly Park children go swimming weekly for a year in Year 4.

  • Swimming lessons are held on a Wednesday afternoon at St John’s School. Pupils walk there in groups accompanied by school staff. We welcome parents who are able to walk with the groups. Please contact the office if you are able to help.
  • Lessons are 30 minutes long and run by the St John’s swimming teacher.
  • Pupils change in single-sex changing rooms and the lesson is observed by Holly Park staff.
  • There is no school uniform for swimming but pupils are asked to wear sensible costumes (not bikinis) and trunks. Swimming hats are compulsory and goggles are optional. Swimming kits should be taken home after each lesson.

Holly Park asks parents for a contribution towards swimming.

Here is some information about our Y6 assessments:

Year-6-Swimming-Assessment-July 2024