The Wider Curriculum is the part of our ‘Whole Curriculum’ which includes all of the additional activities, events and visits that we encourage children to take part in outside of lessons as well as PHSE related learning about staying safe, healthy and preparing for life in modern Britain. All of these opportunities and wider knowledge supports our pupils Personal Development as young people.
The Wider Curriculum represents a substantial part of the educational experience, involving activities that take place beyond the academic curriculum – and often outside the classroom. It is an essential part of the learning experience, offering the opportunity to learn about life in its broader context: its challenges and opportunities, how to respond to successes and occasional disappointments. It also represents the significance of extra-curricular activities within the ethos of the School and the idea of a balance to be achieved between academic focus and recreational enjoyment.
Our Offer to our Children
By the time children leave Holly Park School they will have had the opportunity to:
- Take part in a class assembly
- Take part in a performance on stage
Run many miles by participating in the Daily Mile
- Participate in well-being activities
- Have a role of responsibility
- Sleep away from home with their year group
- Swim at a local school pool and be taught by a Swimming Coach
- Participate in subject specific curriculum days
- Go to Forest School
Take part in Barnet events and competitions e.g quizzes, sports, dance & music
- Learn Spanish from Reception
- Have a festive party with their class
- Attend a pyjama party night at school
- Take part in our themed curriculum weeks
- Take part in a team building day
- Visit museums and other places of interest in London with their class
Have their voice listened to and influence decision-making through one of our school councils
- Raise money for a charity
- Celebrate their culture and family traditions with others
- Visit several places of worship
- Participate in Sports Days
- Attend a lunchtime club
- Participate in Equality and Diversity special days.
- Share their love of reading with parents at ‘Read Together’ sessions
Show their work with their parents at ‘Book Looks’
- Speak about their progress and achievement at consultation meetings
- Learn First Aid
- Use the school allotment
- Enjoy reading through: author visits, HPS book swap, World Book Day
- Make a festive decoration to hang in the dining hall
- Go on geography field trips
- Attend online safety sessions by an external provider
- Spend time with Poppy our school dog