There are lots of abbreviations used in education which can be very confusing. Here are some of the abbreviations which are used regularly and what they stand for.
AfL Assessment for Learning
CP Child Protection
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPR Child Protection Register
DHT Deputy Headteacher
DT Design and Technology
EAL English as an additional language
EWO Education Welfare Officer
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
FSM Free School Meals
G&T Gifted and Talented
H & S Health and Safety
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HMI Her Majesty’s Inspectorate
HT Headteacher
IBP Individual Behaviour Plan
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IEP Individual Education Plan
INSET In-Service Education and Training
KS1 Year 1 and 2
KS2 Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
LA Local Authority
LAC Looked after Children
MFL Modern Foreign Language
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education
PE Physical Education
PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment
PP Pupil Premium
PSHE Personal Social Health Education
PTA Parent Teacher Association
RE Religious Education
SEND Special Educational Needs
SENCO Special Educational Needs Coordinator
SIP School Improvement Plan
UPN Unique Pupil Number