
Year 6 Show – Matilda

Year 6 performed an amazing show at the end of their time at Holly Park. The show was Matilda. The children acted, sang and moved with great enthusiasm. We saw talents that we didn’t know existed! Both casts of children did a splendid job. The scenery and costumes were fantastic. Huge thanks go to Ms Sampson, Mr Carini and Mr Delooze for all their work and commitment to producing such a great end of year event. Ms Sampson directed the show with huge enthusiasm, energy and creativity. The amazing scenery and props were thanks to all of our talented TAs – particularly Ms Ter Horst and Mrs Hurry. Thanks to Mrs Halil for rehearsing the songs. What talented people we have at Holly Park! Thanks also go to one of our governors –Annemarie Thomas for her support with the singing and getting some oomph and enthusiasm going for the songs with her amazing accompaniment. Well done Year 6.

Here are some of our pictures – there are more here.

Thank You

As the end of the school year draws to a close, I would like to say a big thank you to the PTA committee and volunteers for their continued support for the school and for the amazing events they have put on. I would like to thank the school governors for the leadership support. I must say an enormous thank you to my SLT who have given huge support in moving the school forward over the past year. Most importantly a huge thank you to all of the amazing and talented staff of the school who work tirelessly and give of their best because of their passion and commitment to the school

Start of the Academic Year 2024/2025

Monday 2nd September – Inset Day Tuesday 3rd September – Children return (Years 1 to 6)


Fianna recently performed at the Shaw Theatre in Kings Cross. Fianna had some solo lines. She also did singing, acting and dancing. She performed in items from: Pirates of the Caribbean, Grease the musical and The Adam’s Family. What an amazing experience!

The School Gate in the mornings from September 2024

I am writing to give you advance warning that in September we will still be operating our soft start in the mornings however the window of opening will be 5 minutes shorter. The gates will open at 8.45am and will close at 8.55am. This is because teachers have noticed that those children coming through the gates at 9am are arriving late to the first lesson. By the time they have parked scooters and put packed lunch boxes away – it is 9.05am when they arrive in class and the first lesson is already underway. By closing the gates at 8.55am this will ensure that children have time to get to their classrooms for 9am.

Instrumental Tuition at Holly Park Autumn Term 2024

If you wish your child to have instrumental tuition lessons at school next term please log into Barnet Education Arts Trust ( where you will find all the details you need. Lessons are usually for children in next term’s Year 3 and above. However, we do offer violin and ‘cello lessons to next term’s Year 2 children, as well. The school does not enrol any children or take fees. Please observe BEAT’s deadlines for enrolment and fees.

First News – free in the holidays

First News is the leading source of news and news-based learning for children. It is age-appropriate (aimed at 7-14- year olds but accessible for all ages), impartial and helps keep kids reading and developing their critical literacy skills. We love using First News in the classroom and are thrilled to offer all Holly Park Primary School children a free First News digital subscription over the summer holidays. It’s packed with fun and educational content that will keep minds active and entertained all summer long. First News digital is available via an app and includes: Daily news stories which children can read, listen and react to. These include reports on the Euros, the Summer Olympics, and the upcoming general election. The latest issue of the newspaper and many past issues Weekly polls to vote on The latest episodes of Sky Kids FYI weekly news show Fun puzzles and games: great for improving vocabulary Tips & Talking points for parents and carers to help you talk about tricky topics with your children Click here for our school’s unique access link: One of our Holly Park pupils (Daisy in Year 4) will have her work featured in an August edition!

Summer Camp at Holly Park

There is a summer camp at Holly Park for the first 3 weeks of the summer holidays. ITHIP have run camps at Holly Park in previous holidays. If you are interested in your child attending – please see the flier at the end of the newsletter.

Breakfast Club in September

The cost of Breakfast Club in September will be £4.50 per child per day.

Fiona Quinton – BarNET Zero Challenge

Some of you will remember that I posted about one of our past parents and long-standing governor – Fiona Quinton who entered a Barnet competition and had devised a plan @GRUBS to put green roofs upon bus shelters. This week the winners were announced at a celebration event at the RAF Museum. I am delighted to say that Fiona WON! Thank you everyone who took the time to vote for her. Look out for green roofs upon bus shelters becoming a reality across Barnet in the near future.

Clubs for September 2024

Information about paid lunchtime and after school clubs run by external providers has been emailed out. Please do sign up as quickly as possible for September as places will be limited. A reminder to Year 2 parents that your child will be in Year 3 and will have a large range of new clubs now on offer A reminder to Reception parents that your child will be in Year 1 and will have a selection of clubs they can now do. There is a Directory of clubs on the newsletter with details of sign-up contacts.


Whole school attendance for last week was 95% Well done to Y6 Lime Class with the best attendance at 99%.

New Classes for 2024-25

Early Years Foundation Stage

Nursery – Miss Wood, Miss Mornington


Palm Class: Mrs Moore, Mrs Walton, Miss Yianakki, Miss Klanga, Miss Rush

Key Stage One

Year 1

Pine Class: Mrs Nichols

Chestnut Class: Mr Turner

Year 2 Elm Class: Mrs Fitzpatrick (teaching this year’s Pine Class)

Rowan Class: Mrs Mir (teaching this year’s Chestnut Class)

Key Stage Two

Year 3

Hazel Class: Mr Bourne

Willow Class: Mrs Mehtar

Year 4

Mulberry Class: Mrs Zane & Miss Mountford (teaching this year’s Willow Class)

Sycamore Class: Mrs Smith (teaching this year’s Hazel Class)

Year 5

Maple Class: Mr Llewellyn

Juniper Class: Ms Owen

Year 6

Beech Class: Miss Sampson (teaching this year’s Juniper Class)

Cedar Class: Mr Carini (teaching this year’s Maple Class)

This week’s newsletter: Newsletter 19.7.24

Newsletter 12.7.24

Newsletter 5.7.24

Newsletter 1.7.24

Newsletter 21.6.24

Newsletter 14.6.24

Newsletter 7.6.24

Newsletter 24.5.24

Newsletter 17.5.24

Newsletter 9.5.24

Newsletter 3.5.24

Newsletter 26.4.24

Newsletter 19.4.24

Newsletter 22.3.24

Newsletter 15.3.24

Newsletter 8.3.24

Newsletter 1.3.24

Newsletter 23.2.24

Newsletter 9.2.24

Newsletter 2.2.24

Newsletter 26.1.24

Newsletter 19.1.24

Newsletter 12.1.24

Newsletter 15.12.23

Newsletter 8.12.23

Newsletter 1.12 23

Newsletter 23.11.23

Newsletter 17.11.23

Newsletter 12.11.23

Newsletter 3.11.23

Newsletter 20.10.23

Newsletter 13.10.23

Newsletter 6.10.23

Newsletter 29.9.23

Newsletter 22.9.23

Newsletter 15.9.23