Keeping Safe

cropped-logo-Copy1.jpgAt Holly Park, we take the health and safety of our pupils, staff, parents and other members of the community seriously.

Schools are responsible for day-to-day health and safety whenever a child is in the care of school staff – this includes school trips and clubs.

Every school has a health and safety policy.

  • At Holly Park in our parent and pupil questionnaires we ask our stakeholders what they think about health and safety at the school.
  • Governors discuss health and safety at governor Premises meetings and at Staffing and Pupil Welfare meetings.
  • At Holly Park we talk to the School Council regularly about health and safety.
  • At Holly Park we update our school risk assessments annually.
  • We also do an internal health and safety audit annually: Buildings safeguarding audit tool 2023-24
  • Barnet schools are required to do a variety of safeguarding audits which are submitted to the local authority. The audits are renewed in the Autumn of each year. Here are our most recent audits:
  • Child on Child audit tool 2023-24
  • Safeguarding Audit for Schools 2023-24

Keeping safe involves many areas:

  • Safeguarding
  • Online safety
  • First Aid
  • Site Security
  • Attendance
  • Recruitment of Staff
  • Visitors and volunteers
  • Behaviour/Anti Bullying
  • Positive Handling
  • Photographing and Videoing
  • Whistleblowing
  • Personal care
  • Trips and Visits
  • Transport
  • Home Visits
  • Managing Critical Incidents

All of these areas are covered in our health and safety policy, our safeguarding policy and many have a policy of their own.

Here are some useful contacts for parents:

Mini Mentors

Mini Mentors are Children from Y5 who are trained to help children in school to:
  • Make friends
  • Resolve low level conflicts
  • Have more enjoyable playtimes
  • ​​​Be kind to each other​​
  • To create a safe positive enviroment ​
The Mini Mentors have been running successfully ay Holly Park for several years now and have helped children to sort out problems using the Restorative approach. This approach helps children to take responsibility for their own actions, developing the skills to problem solve , repair harm and avoid repetition of the same behaviours.
Each year children who want to become a Mini Mentor complete an application form and attend training. These sessions will equip them with the sikills  they need to be a Mini Mentor. 
The children take full ownership of running the Mini Mentor programme but it is overseen by Mrs Puzey who will pick up any problems the Mini Mentors are unable  to deal with.

Safety To And From School

Following on from Be Bright Be Seen Day and as the nights are drawing in please do talk to your child at an age appropriate level about the need to be more alert and follow the staying safe and stranger danger rules. This is especially important for any child travelling alone.

Nine ways to be safe while walking to school

  1. Look both ways and use zebra crossings.
  2. Never assume drivers can see you. Be alert and make eye contact with the driver.
  3. Look left, right and left again before crossing the street.
  4. Eyes up, phones down.
  5. Walk in a group.
  6. Walk on pavements or paths.
  7. Cross with an adult.
  8. Be a good role model.
  9. Be visible. Stranger danger
  • Never stop to talk to anyone on the way to school or going home from school.
  • Ignore any drivers who might slow down to speak to you.
  • Never accept a ride from anyone that is not expected to take you home
  • Always tell a trusted adult if something has happened that upsets you or makes you feel uncomfortable.

First Aid

It is now compulsory for primary schools to teach some sort of First Aid.  We have bought sessions for all classes from Reception to Y6 from a company that were recommended to us called Mini First Aid