Parent Support

We value the importance of working in partnership with parents and carers and we believe that children learn best when there is a partnership between home and school.

New Parent Visits

If your child is being admitted to school in Nursery you will be offered a short home visit. If your child is starting Reception you will be offered a short school visit. The visit will take place at the beginning of September or in January (if a nursery January intake). The visit is a good opportunity for staff and children to get to know each other, it is also a good opportunity for parents to ask questions about any concerns they may have.

If your child joins the school as an in-year admission into another year group you will have a school visit.

Meet the Teacher Sessions

At the beginning of every school year we hold sessions  for parents in Y1 to Y6 to give parents and carers the opportunity to ‘Meet the Teachers’ and to hear about the curriculum the children will be covering in the forthcoming year. You will find out about trips, homework, PE days etc. This is also a good time to meet other parents and carers from your child’s class/ year group. A Meet the Teacher Pack will also be emailed home with all of the relevant information.

Parent-teacher consultations

We have two parent consultations a year for parents in Y1 to Y6 (Autumn & Spring). These sessions provide an opportunity for teachers to talk about the progress your child has made and for you to ask any questions you may have. We expect children to attend with their parents. In the summer term you will receive a written report of your child’s progress throughout the year; if you wish to discuss the report you are free to make an appointment to see the class teacher. Consultations for parents in Nursery and Reception are more informal at the end of sessions. Each parent still gets two sessions and an annual report.

Parent Meetings and Workshops

Throughout the year we hold regular parent meetings to share information with parents about the school curriculum. These meetings include: 

  • ​​A nursery and reception curriculum meeting.
  • A Y1 phonics meeting.
  • Y2 will have sessions on maths and SPAG
  • Y3, 4 & 5 will all have 3 sessions over the year on different subjects
  • An online safety session for ALL parents l
  • There will be meetings for Y6 parents about national tests.
  • Meetings for Y5 and Y6 parents about residential trips.
  • A meeting for Y6 about sex and relationship education.
  • A meeting for Y5 parents about secondary transfer.

The workshops are a great opportunity for parents to work with their children in school. 

Meetings are a good chance to find out information about how things are done at our school. These are sometimes in person, sometimes online and sometimes recorded sessions – so that all parents have an opportunity to attend. We also aim to put as many notes as possible on the website following a session for those who cannot attend.

Read Together Session

We aim to run Read Together Sessions once a term. This is an opportunity for parents to come into school first thing in the morning and share books with children. 

Parent Helpers

At various points in the year we encourage parent volunteers, We need parent volunteers for Forest schools, for swimming, for some of our curriculum days and for some of our school trips. Parent helpers have to go through the appropriate safeguarding checks and follow the school expectations.

Here is some information we gave parents on resilience: Resilience – meeting for parents 2024