Welcome, Добре дошли, Benvenuti, Karibu, Mirё seerdhe, Dobrodošli, Vítejte, Willkommen, Kalwsorisate, Bienvenue, Boyei malámu, Sveikiatvykę, Witam, Bem-vindo, Bun venit, Добро пожаловать, Bienvenido, Hoşgeldiniz, آپ کا استقبال ہے, நல்வரவு, ਜੀ ਆਇਆ ਨੂੰ।, پخير, 欢迎, 歓迎, स्वागत, ברוך הבא, સ્વાગત, καλωσόρισμα, স্বাগত, ترحيب, Soo dhawoo

On behalf of myself, the pupils, the staff and governors at Holly Park, I would like to welcome you to our website – do take the time to look around. I hope that it gives you an insight and flavour into our welcoming, warm and friendly school, here in Friern Barnet.
Holly Park is a happy, caring primary school where we pride ourselves on getting to know our children and families. We work hard to achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum and to develop children who are well-rounded individuals. We also support our pupils in developing self-esteem, confidence and curiosity as they develop into happy and successful citizens of the future and as they develop their own individual strengths and talents.
We want the primary school experience here at Holly Park to be happy, exciting and fun. We understand that these school years will help set the foundations and building blocks for a positive, lifelong journey of learning and development.
We were delighted that in our recent inspection that the inspector summed up our school by saying that:
- Holly Park is a school that doesn’t stand still and is always striving to be the best it can be
- Children’s interests are at the heart of everything
- The school has safe, happy children
- The school is a warm, welcoming environment
- The school provides a well-rounded education
Of course, we continue to work to ensure that we focus our efforts on attainment, achievement and progress in learning. It is my belief that every child should have the opportunity to be the best they can be – to enjoy their schooling and to achieve.
We hope that you find the information on this website interesting and informative. We are very proud of our school, our pupils and their successes. If you would like to know more about our school, please do contact us.
Ann Pelham – Headteacher
Here is the whole school singing our song Holly Park Forever:
- See our latest news and translate it into any language.
- Our latest Ofsted Report
- Read our Holly Park Prospectus
- We are a successful school with a creative curriculum
- We are a Forest School
- At Holly Park we promote British Values and we are a Values Based School
- We take all aspects of Child protection and safeguarding very seriously
- Online safety – helpful information and websites for parents and children
- Our School Councils are very active
- Social, moral, spiritual and cultural education is important to us