At Holly Park we have an inclusive environment that meets the needs of our pupils and where no discrimination exists, for example in respect of wider opportunities for pupils.
- We have created some extra spaces within our school to help to meet the needs of our pupils.
- We have a sensory room which provides a calm space for some of our SEND pupils.
- We have a wellbeing garden where some of our children with emotional or social difficulties like to go to relax and re regulate.
- We have an orchard room – which is the base for our learning mentor and where many valuable interventions take place such as ELSA, Happy to be me and Lego therapy.
- We have an allotment on site where many of our children enjoy growing fruit and vegetables, looking for mini beasts and doing observational drawings. The last forest school session in the series also happens in our school allotment.
- We make reasonable adjustments wherever possible to ensure that all children can attend trips and visits.
At Holly Park we offer many wider opportunities for children to be in councils, pupil voice groups and attend clubs and activities. We monitor closely the participation in these activities to ensure that children of different backgrounds are represented across our school – particularly SEND and Pupil Premium children.
At Holly Park we are very knowledgeable about the children and families at the school. Children at Holly Park are very welcoming, confident and proud of their school. SEND is embedded into our whole school approach, it is not a separate area. Within our curriculum we make curriculum adaptations. As a school we embrace inclusion and work with families, children and staff to ensure the best outcomes for all. Pupil voice is very much included in what we do at the school.
At Holly Park we have a supportive environment. There is a prevailing ethos of care.