Pastoral Support

The Pastoral Team consists of Maria Michael – Deputy Head,   Diana Kelly – Children’s  Co-ordinator; Pupil Welfare Officer and Kathy Puzey – Learning Mentor.

The Pastoral Team meet regularly to discuss children currently facing difficulties and who may benefit from some extra support or attention. The care of children and adults in the Holly Park community is an important part of every day.  Our aim is to provide a supportive and friendly atmosphere for all our families and children to help them achieve their potential.

If there is a problem, your first point of contact should usually be your child’s class teacher or key worker.  They will often be able to reassure you that the problem was dealt with appropriately, or support you with a concern.  They are available in the playground most days for a quick word, or if it is a longer or more personal matter please make an appointment to see them after school.

Alternatively, or if you wish to discuss the matter further, you could speak to one of our Pastoral Team.  We provide support for families and children who are facing difficulties, and work to promote effective participation in school life.

Maria Michael – Deputy Head

Maria Michael  is our Deputy Head and a member of the Senior Management Team.  She has worked at Holly Park for over 20 years and teaches throughout the school.  As well as her teaching commitments, she is the Designated Teacher for Child Protection.  She runs the School Council and our Right Respecting Champions. Miss Michael monitors behaviour in school and bullying. She is responsible for our restorative approach towards behaviour and implementing the Zones of Regulation. Miss Michael works very closely with our learning mentor and attends lots of courses about wellbeing and mental health which she shares with pupils, staff and parents.


Diana Kelly – SENCO

Diana Kelly – is our Children’s Co-ordinator and a member of the Senior Management Team.  She is the school SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and Inclusion manager. Mrs Kelly teaches individuals and small groups of children who need extra support, and is the line manager for our teaching assistants who work with pupils with EHC plans. She is available to support parents who have concerns about their child’s progress.


Our Pupil Welfare Officer looks after the medical and first aid needs of all the children in the school; as well as providing emotional support to children. They deal with all attendance matters and are responsible for contacting parents when children are absent.


Kathy Puzey – Learning Mentor

Kathy Puzey is our Learning Mentor.  Her role is to support children in overcoming barriers to learning and helps to enhance their emotional wellbeing.  She works with children individually, in small groups and with whole classes to build confidence and self esteem. She offers support and organises activities in the playground at playtime and lunchtimes.