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At Holly Park, we speak more than 48 different languages. We celebrate our diversity, both linguistically and culturally.
Children for whom English is an additional language are welcomed to our school from the time they are offered a place.
Details specific to the child regarding proficiency and literacy in their first language is discussed and other relevant details recorded. This means that, when they come to school for the first time they already have familiar faces to welcome them and staff are able to start planning for their needs.
In class children are given buddies to support them, so they feel included into the class immediately. Whenever possible, children will have two buddies, one who speaks the same home language (if this is possible) and another to support good English language development.
The progress and attainment of all EAL learners is monitored to ensure their needs are met and they are progressing as well as they can.
At Holly Park we firmly believe that parents are an important part of their child’s learning. We try to provide opportunities for parents to support their children by providing Dual Language books to take home and having opportunities to talk to the class teacher about progress in learning.

Diana Kelly is our Inclusion Leader and has responsibility for ensuring that EAL children settle well in to the school. She will liaise with class teachers and aim to provide initial resources in class such as dual language books, dual language dictionaries etc when a child joins the school.