School Council

These pupils are elected by their peers. We aim to have one boy and one girl from each class.

Once a child has been on School Council, they may not be on it again.

Here is this year’s School Council.

School Council

One school councillor from each class is an Anti Bullying Ambassador and the other is a Rights Respecting Champion.

The new School Council was elected at the start of the year. During their first meeting, it was decided that one School Council member from each class would also be a Rights Respecting Champion and the other would be an Anti Bullying Ambassador. The Rights Respecting Champions have been making themselves familiar with all the articles in the Convention and have fed back to their classes the ABCDE of Children’s Rights. They have also looked at the Action Plan for the Silver Award and discussed what they can do to help achieve this award. The Anti Bullying Ambassadors talked about Anti Bullying Week and looked at definitions of bullying.

The aim of the school council is:

  • to provide a forum for the discussion of issues raised by students or by staff which affect the life of the school.
  • Support the school with fundraising activities both for school projects and also for local, national and international charities.
  • Support the head teacher with staff recruitment where appropriate.