Learning Council

The Holly Park Learning Council consists of one pupil from each class from Year 3 to Year 6.

These pupils are chosen by the class teacher.

Learning Council

The aim of the Learning Council is:

  • to make children at the school more aware of what good learning is
  • have pupil input into what makes a good lesson
  • get children more involved in the learning process
  • to focuses on the rights of children
  • to ensure that learning is fun, interactive and interesting
  • to actively respect the right of everyone in the school community to learn
  • to be aware of how they play an active role in their own learning
  • to make decisions about their own learning
  • to campaign for the learning of others beyond our own school community who may not have such good access to an education

The Learning Council is supported by Mrs Pelham (Headteacher). Meetings take place on Wednesdays.

As members of the Learning Council pupils will:

  • Visit other classes to see how learning happens across the school
  • Comment on lessons from the children’s point of view
  • Carry out surveys of pupils views about learning in school
  • Review the school’s curriculum
  • Comment on resources available
  • Make recommendations to the Headteacher about the learning environment
  • Be clear about what a right to education involves
  • Consider how they can support the learning of others beyond Holly Park
  • Ensure that the rights of all members of the community are observed with regard to Article 28 ‘I have the right to an education’ (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)

Autumn term

During the Autumn term the learning council have begun to work on three topics which they will continue to consider next term.
1. How behaviour impacts our learning – what do children think of the reward systems we have in place at the school. How does the behaviour chart impact on learning?
2. How do we as children play an active role in our own learning?
3. How do we as children make decisions about our learning?
The discussions and research will be fed back to the rest of the children in the school and to the staff and will be considered by staff for future decision-making

Summer term

The Learning Council has been thinking about the question: ‘How do we respect the right to learn?’ This is linked to Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

The council members  went away and spoke to the other children in their class and to their parents. As a council we discussed what we felt was important to respect this right. 

The children then illustrated one thing that was important. The illlustrations were put on the learning council board for everybody to see and the learning council talked about the right to an education and a right to learn in assembly.

UNCRC Rights 

Article 28 of the UNCRC says:

That children and young people have the right to education no matter who they are: regardless of race, gender or disability; if they’re in detention, or if they’re a refugee.

I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.

Article 29 of the UNCRC says:

A child or young person’s education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can.