Committee minutes

Holly ParkThe Governing Body of Holly Park meets once every term for a full governing body meeting . This meeting is usually in the second half of each term. The full governing body meetings are minuted by a clerk.

Full governing body meetings are always preceded by some governor training. This training is done by members of school staff  or by advisors invited in because they have a specialism. Examples of previous training have been – Safeguarding, school data, the role of the governing body, SEN, the Learning Skills etc

The governors also have three sub committees which meet once a term usually in the first half of each term. Minutes of these meetings are circulated to all governors and items from the committees are taken to the full governing body for further discussion or clarification. Each governor is usually a member of two sub committees, although any governor can attend any sub committee. Each committee has its own terms of reference which are reviewed annually and can be read below.

  • The Staffing and Pupil Welfare Committee
Annemarie Lewis

This committee looks at issues such as staffing arrangements, recruitment, teacher appraisal, Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding, Behaviour etc. Sally Thomas the Families Co-ordinator and Diana Kelly, the Children’s co-ordinator, also attend these meetings. Annemarie Lewis is the chair of this committee,

The terms of reference for this committee are here 

  • Teaching and Learning Committee
Gemma Morgan

This committee looks at subject audits, homework, the curriculum, assessment, data, interventions etc. Gemma Morgan is the chair of this committee.

The terms of reference for this committee are here here

  • Finance and Premises Committee
Rhonda Valentine

This committee looks at the school budget including setting budgets, forecasts, best value, extended services, other school accounts, audit etc.  Rhonda Valentine is chair of this committee.

The terms of reference for this committee are here 

There is also a committee made up of the chairs of the other committees which is led by Clare Hegarty..

You can find out more about our financial benchmarking and how it compares with other schools here.

In addition to these committees

Chair of Governing Body Clare Hegarty
Vice Chair of Governing Body Rhonda James
Chair – Finance and Premises Rhonda James
Chair – Teaching and Learning Gemma Morgan
Chair – Staff and Pupil Welfare, PHSE, wellbeing Annemarie Thomas
Safeguarding and Anti-bullying (inc. Looked After Children and Attendance) Clare Hegarty (temp)
SEND Sarah Deale
Online Safety and Data Protection Lorean Lynch
Core Curriculum Ally Birchall
Foundation  Curriculum Gemma Morgan
Diversity Atia Rafiq
Additional Funding (Catch Up, Pupil Premium, Sports Grant) Andrea Messios
Health and Safety Otto Balsiger
Wider Curriculum Claire Powell​

Here are the minutes of the committee meetings held by governors.

Chairs Committee December 2024

Chairs Committee  September 2024

L&T Minutes Autumn 2024

Finance and premises Autumn 2024

S&PW September 2024

Finance and premises May 2024

L&T Minutes April 2024

S&PW April 2024