Evaluation and improvement

External Evaluation

Here is our latest Ofsted Report:Ofsted Report Holly Park Primary School 2024

From this link you can read about the financial benchmark for Holly Park. 

Self Evaluation and Improvement Planning

Every year in the summer term we evaluate ourselves as a school and look at what we have achieved during the last academic year. With this evaluation and with the data available, we then decide what our whole school priorities are for the next academic year.

We like to include all staff in considering the strengths and areas for development. Information from parents and pupils gathered through the annual questionnaires also feeds into our evaluation.

We then make a plan for improvement based on the key areas of Achievement, Teaching & Learning, Behaviour & Safety and Leadership and Management.

We decide what actions are needed, who will do them, when they will be done, how they will be monitored and evaluated and what the costs and resources will be. This information is shared with all staff and with governors.

With the whole school priorities in mind, our key leaders and curriculum teams then make action plans for the year that feed in to this whole school plan and act as an appendices. These action plans focus their work for the next academic year.

Each half term our Senior Management Team and our School Improvement Team look at our whole school self evaluation and update this. They also monitor the School Improvement Plan and give reports about their own action plans. Governors monitor the plan at each termly meeting.

Mid way through the year (February) we monitor the school improvement plan and look at what we have achieved and what still needs to be done.

Towards the end of an academic year we evaluate the plan to see what the impact of the plan has been.

We also like to make sure that our children know what our school priorities are. We have posters about school improvement all around the school.

All teachers at Holly Park undergo annual appraisal which is linked to the school improvement plan. Their current targets are:

  • To improve progress in writing by: ensuring that feedback for writing is in line with our policy
  • To develop, use and embed assessment in the Foundation subjects
  • As a Subject Leader to monitor the effective provision and implementation of a connected and developmental curriculum for all pupils

Areas for whole school development

Quality of Teaching

  • Continue to develop and embed assessment in Foundation subjects
  • Further develop Foundation subject vocabulary to ensure all pupils really understand new vocabulary introduced
  • Further develop and embed a wider range of strategies to promote reading for pleasure across the school
  • Fully explore cross curricular links within the planned curriculum
  • Draw out common threads within the curriculum
  • Focus on the basics of writing particularly in Y2,3,4 in order to ensure automaticity and fluency in punctuation
  • Further develop teacher subject knowledge of phonics in KS2
  • Further develop Teaching Assistant pedagogy with Rapid Phonics in KS2
  • Ensure that Diversity is fully embedded within all curriculum subjects
  • Establish clarity and consistency with writing working walls
  • Implement and embed the small steps Maths curriculum across the school
  • Ensure that Maths vocabulary is clear within the curriculum and is used effectively
  • Further develop Teaching assistant subject knowledge in Maths
  • Embed the calculation policy within practice
  • Develop the consistent use of visuals on lanyards and class timetables to support learning and emotional development for all pupils icl SEND pupils
  • More consistent use of concrete resources in both English and Maths as a non-negotiable as part of quality first teaching
  • Ensure that feedback comments in writing are purposeful.
  • Develop a sense of social action and campaigning within the curriculum as part of our work on Rights Respecting schools
  • Further support pupils in Y2 who did not meet the Y1 phonics check
  • Refresh the Holly Park Learning Skills


  • Revisit the restorative approach
  • Make clear and embed consistency with behaviour basics e.g around transition times
  • Embed consistency around ‘Respect’
  • Support pupils to have a positive view of their behaviour within the school and their generally exceptional and impeccable behaviour
  • Support pupils to have a clear understanding of what bullying is and how it is dealt with at school
  • Support parents to have a clear understanding of what bullying is and how it is dealt with at school

Personal Development

  • Make clear the work on ‘Consent’ within the PHSE curriculum
  • Further support pupils with work on resilience
  • Support parents with developing their own resilience towards their children
  • Embed work on ‘The World of work’ within the curriculum
  • Establish a school policy on healthy lunchboxes
  • Ensure that the protected characteristics are known and understood by children
  • Strengthen community links – local, national and International

Leadership and Management

  • Embed further into the monitoring cycle looking at how teachers consistently scaffold the activities for individual EHCP children.
  • Leaders to agree expectations for correcting errors in children’s writing
  • Look at training for Domestic abuse as this is identified as a contextualised issue within the school.
  • Continue to develop further the schools work on peer on peer abuse and Harmful Sexual Behaviours To further strengthen a sense of identity and purpose for staff and children
  • Strengthen the positive ethos and culture of the school further through the use coaching to support the SLT to embed the ethos and culture of the school in the light of the revised vision and mission.
  • To use coaching to support individuals within the SLT to be their best professional selves, work confidently with stakeholders and consistently role model the vision’s core values 



Improve language, literacy and Knowledge of The World outcomes for children with EAL & SEND


Improve communication, Reading and writing skills for children with SEND

 ​​Here is our School Improvement poster: School Improvement Poster 2023-24