PTA – Parent Teacher Association

What is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?

The PTA is the Parents Association for Holly Park Primary School. Whilst we are a separate organisation from the school, we are a passionate and active group that aims to enable parents to become part of the wider school community and help support the school in any way they can. 

Being a registered charity, all our funds go directly back into supporting the school to help enhance the children’s experience. 

See details of our Big Holly Park Appeal.

Follow us on socials today! 

For online tickets and purchases for our events and activities, please sign up here 

The section below outlines the loads of ways you can get involved, but if you have any questions, you can: 

  • email us at 
  • or message your class rep

How do we make a difference?

We are really proud to raise funds that help enrich the lives and experiences of children at the school. 

Most of our fundraising is achieved through events like summer fairs, winter fairs, cake sales, discos and more!

How can you get involved?

We encourage all parents and families to get involved in any way possible. Including things like: 

  • Volunteering at events throughout the year, like the summer fair or bake sales by running stalls 
  • Donating baked goods, raffle prizes or other items for prizes or sales
  • Offering skills or contactsthat can support fundraising
  • Donating outgrown uniforms for our second-hand uniform sales (uniform with logo only, please) 
  • Keeping hold of your unwanted clothes and donate them to our regular Bag 2 School collections (look out on socials and messages for more details of what the scheme accepts)

And, of course, participating in and attending our events! The children and families love them! 

Help us with fundraising!

Several schemes we have signed up for make it super easy for you to help us fundraise. These include:

Online shopping schemes – you spend and brands donate at no extra cost to you. 

We have signed up for an online scheme. All you have to do is sign up and shop via its app or website.

When you purchase through the app or website, the brand pays a commission, and we get the donation!

School lotto – click here to find out more 

We have a lottery set up with Your School Lottery. All tickets are £1 and there is a potential £25k jackpot! 

Matching funds 

Did you know hundreds of organisations offer their employees the chance to boost their fundraising efforts by ‘matching’ the money they raise for a chosen cause? Is your company one of them? Your company may offer a match funding programme, so it’s worth speaking with your HR department. It is usually a simple case of filling out a form and then supplying a letter on headed notepaper confirming the amount raised at the event and your involvement. Please email if you need more information or help to approach your organisation.


If you would like to make a direct donation, we have our PayPal account, which can be found here.

Check out what we are up to 

The easiest way to keep up to date with what’s coming up and what we have been up to is by following us on our socials: 

Photo gallery of some of our events.

AGM and new committee

After a very successful fundraising year last year, we have to say a massive thank you to some of the committee who are now stepping down. Thank you to two of our co-chairs Marilena and Alison, to the treasurer Mayank and to one of our co-secretaries Helen – who will all be standing down from the committee after putting in such an amazing effort for the PTA.

A special thank you has to go to Marilena who has been a co-chair for many years including through the very difficult Covid years when despite the challenges – the PTA continued to raise money and thrive in very creative ways.  New committee members were elected at the AGM. Here is the committee:

The committee has regular meetings where all parents and families are welcome. Please email if you would like to come along. 

Our latest AGM: Minutes-6.10.2023.doc

Our Charity reg number is 1101344