
How can you add the school calendar to your Google Calendar?

1 Open Google Calendar

2 Next to “Other calendars” on the left, click the Down arrow

3 Select Add by URL

4 Enter the calendar’s address in the field provided –

5 Click Add Calendar.

Please note that there may be some last minute changes 

Monday 16th December                     Y3 Nativity at 2.15pm

Tuesday 17th December                    EYFS parties

Tuesday 17th December                     Y3 Nativity at 2.15pm

Wednesday 18th December              Y3 and Y5 parties

Thursday 19th December                  Y1, Y2, Y4 and Y6 parties

Friday 20th December                        Christingle

Friday 20th December                       Term ends at 1.30pm

A U T U M N   T E R M   2024

Friday 25th October 2024:                                            End of the first half of the Autumn Term

Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November: Half Term Holiday, school closed

Monday 4th November 2024:                                       Children return to school at 8.55am

Friday 22nd November 2024:                                      Staff Training Day, school closed

Friday 20th December 2024:                       End of the Autumn Term, school ends at 1.30pm

Monday 23rd December – Friday 3rd January: Christmas Holidays, school closed

 S P R I N G   T E R M   2025

Monday 6th January 2025:                                      Staff Training Day, school closed

Tuesday 7th January 2025:                          Children return to school at 8.55am

Wednesday 8th January :                               Nursery reopens

Friday 14th February 2025:                                           End of the first half of the Spring Term

Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February: Half Term Holiday, school closed

Monday 24th February 2025:                                      Children return to school at 8.55am

Friday 4th April 2025:                                              End of the Spring Term, school ends at 1.30pm

Monday 7 April – Monday 21 April: Easter Holidays, school closed