Dog Blog

Life as seen by Poppy our school dog



 Some of the children have been making puppets for a puppet show. One of them made a lovely puppet of me!

 Be Bright Be Seen is one of my favourite ‘dress up’ days of the year because the children (and staff!) always come up with such wacky outifts. It shows everyone how important it is to be seen in the street at this time of year when it’s getting dark. Hope you like my bandana, dogs need to be be seen too!

The children have been very busy this term, I can hardly keep up with all their activities. Both Y5 and Y6 went on brilliant residential trips and had a fantastic time with all the outdoor activities.

And now we’ve had the cross country competition, where we did really well, and bikeabillity. I love how all the children join in with such enthusiasm. The staff have been brilliant too taking them on trips. 


 Wow it’s good to be back! I do love the summer holidays with lots of lie ins and trips to the park but I miss the children and the hustle bustle of school. And I miss Mr Reid’s cats! 

Wait until you see our super new library, it’s fantastic! Such a lot of hard work has been done over summer to create a lovely new room for everyone. I hope I’m going to get a cosy corner in there, it looks so inviting.


 I love this time of year – all the trips and sports days and then the end of term and, best of all, my birthday! Can you believe I’ve hit double figures? That’s right I’m 10, a grand age. I had a super party at home.

 It’s been a busy month already. Y5 went to Cuffley Camp and had a super time with fabulous activities. Then we had two sports days, both of which were on sunny days (phew!). The children – and the parents – competed really well and there was some great running. I do wish I could take part. 

Nursery have got some trips lined up to the Princess Diana Memorial Playground. Do dogs allowed, grrr!


 Y6 had a great time at Norfolk Lakes, they are full of stories of their adventures. Now they have their show to rehearse which will be amazing and emotional as ever. 

 Everyone is jumping up and down in excitement because we raised even more than our target for the new library. Lots of people got involved including Toffee the dog who helped Marcos and Aris with their pop up shop! Well done everyone, I can’t wait for the library to be built later this year. 


 Wow you should have seen those children running at the Copthall Athletics competition, they were brilliant! I’m most impressed.

It has been quiet at school this week without Y6 but I heard they are having a fabulous time at Norfolk Lakes where there are so many activities for them to do. 

 Have you heard the exciting news about the appeal for a new library? I think it’s such a great idea and hope that I will get a bed in the corner for a quick snooze while everyone is reading quietly. My friend went to the headquarters of the Kennel Club recently. It is very smart and they have a whole library where ALL the books are about dogs! They have lots of art about dogs too. 


 We all loved the infant show so much! It’s always a joy to see all those children singing and dancing and this year we learnt things about our home town – London. I hope you got to see the fabulous set with all those special London landmarks. Which is your favourite? I like the Shard and the Gherkin. Well done infants!

 How lovely it was when I trotted into school this week and there were no cars in the street, just children skipping along and talking to their parents. That’s because we have a School Street so there are no cars moving outside the school when we come in and out. It was nice and quiet and I felt much safer. 


 Have you heard about the Holly Park Fizzers, Holly Park Movers and Holly Park Shakers? Not some crazy dancers but actually our new Tag Rugby teams who did really well in a competition at Saracens. Well done Fizzers, Movers and Shakers!

I think there are going to be lots of potential doctors and nurses at Holly Park after our brilliant First Aid courses. Everyone was great at sticking on plasters and looking after poorly people. 

 I was honoured this week to meet a special person from Ofsted. I was a bit nervous, I think a lot of people were too, but they were really nice and I think they must have loved our school. I’m delighted to hear that they loved my blog. My tail is wagging!

World Book Day was a massive success again and I loved that everyone had made such an effort with their costumes. It’s a super day and we all have such fun. Have you seen the pictures?

Wow, Y4 had the most fun at their pyjama party! There were so many games to play and some great food. There are lots of pictures on the Y4 page.  I wish I could’ve gone. 

Soon it will be World Book Day. It’s one of my favourite days, I love seeing all the costumes and thinking about all those famous dogs in books. One of the best is Hairy McLairy, what a scamp he was. 


 Did you notice that there was an extra day in February? It’s a leap year so there are 29 days. I wonder if there were any birthdays on that day. How was your half term? The weather was a bit miserable wasn’t it but at least I got to go to Trent Park. 


 Wow it’s so cold! I’ve got my special winter vest on, I hope you have too!

Did you hear how well our girls’ football team did? They are so hardy to play in this chilly weather. The PTA bought them some new kit, I think they really look the business. 


We have had so much fun putting the decorations up at school and it looks very pretty. I was delighted to see I had my own decoration on the tree! Soon there is going to be a special Christmas lunch and I’m hoping to get some turkey!

We are all rather sad at school this week after hearing from Mr Reid that the lovely Marble has died. She has been part of the school for 18 years and was always seen around the playground. That’s a really good age for a cat but we will really miss her prowling along behind Mr Reid. She was purr-fect!



 Wow, there are some super smart pupils in our school – a team from Y6 entered a Barnet general knowledge quiz and came second out of 23 schools! 

 We’ve had some non-uniform days this month. The first was International Day and it was amazing to see all the costumes people were wearing – including some of the grown ups. I was really impressed with the effort taken on the day, you all looked amazing. 

Then we had odd socks day as part of Anti-Bullying Week to show that we can all be different. There were some super colourful socks! 

 November is the worst month for me and my furry friends, can you guess why? It’s not just the rain, the wind and the dark evenings – it’s the bangs and flashes of the fireworks  that scare me. I hide in a safe place at home but it really upsets me so if you have pets – dogs, cats, guinea pigs, anything really, make sure they have a safe place to go and that they are not outside when it’s dark. 


 Spooooky time! I’ve seen so many houses dressed up for Halloween so I’m doing my best to scare people with my homemade outfit. Are you scared? What if I bark? Be careful when you are trick-or-treating and only go to the houses which are decorated.

 I was so impressed with all the colourful outfits worn to school this week for Be Bright Be Seen day. It’s really important that children can be seen by motorists at this time of year when it can be dark outside. Well done everyone!

 I’m pleased to see that all the school councils have been filled, you can see who are on the councils on their web pages. I hope they all have their badges! I was hoping to get on Eco Council so I started helping with the recycling.

 How amazing was Harvest Festival? I’ve never seen such a lot of donations, the teachers were very proud of you all. 

I can’t wait to see everyone dressed as a tree – is that right or do we just wear green? Handy that it’s our tracksuit colour then!

We are still having that crazy hot weather aren’t we? I’m a bit overwhelmed. 


 Here’s my ‘back to school’ photo. Did you take one? 

 How exciting to be back at school and see all my old friends, and lots of new ones too. I always love the beginning of term – I like to see what has happened to the school while we have been away and I know Mr Reid always has a busy summer getting lots of tradespeople in to freshen up our building and carry out repairs. I trotted past the school one day and they seemed to have dug up half the playground – maybe they were looking for my bone. Anyway it’s all back in place now as if nothing ever happened. 

I hope you had a lovely time over the holidays. It still feels a bit like a holiday because it is so hot. My Mum has had to get my special cool mat out for me to lie on and I’m drinking lots of water – I hope you are too. 


Guess who had a birthday? Yes, it was me! Can you believe I’m nine already. How much is that in human years? I celebrated with a lovely dog cake at home. 

Celebrating my 9th birthday

We loved Bugsy Malone, what a great show (although no dog parts), and there was an emotional farewell to Y6 and some of our lovely staff. 

Of course we knew it was the start of the summer holidays because it started raining! But it can’t rain for six weeks, can it? Hope you have a lovely break and maybe I’ll see you in the park over the holidays. 


 I had a lovely day today. The fire brigade came today to see Y2 as part of their work on the fire of London and the link with the world of work.

I got to sit in the cab of the fire engine – it was great fun.

 I love June, there is so much going on especially in the sports department – Copthall and two sports days. We have some great athletes and do well at Copthall. Hope we get some good weather for sports days – don’t forget to bring your water!


My Royal outfit!

What a busy month we are having! The picnic for the Coronation was lovely and we just missed the rain (or should that be reign?).  And today we were inundated with donations for the Food Bank which was really great. I think they also accept pet food so that’s worth remembering. Pets are very important to families and sometimes we can be expensive to feed. 

I hear that Y5 had a great time at Gilwell Park, it’s a huge open space there, I wish I could have gone. And it won’t be long before Y6 are packing their bags to head to Norfolk Lakes. That’s a really super trip too with lots of activities. 


 I’m so excited about the Coronation coming up soon. We are going to have a lovely picnic and dress up as Kings and Queens as well as a day off school. Did you know that the new King and Queen have two dogs? They are Jack Russell terriers called Beth and Bluebell. How lucky they are to have so many palaces to live in !


 Welcome back to school, did you have a lovely break? It’s great to be back at school and we have a really busy term coming up. We’ve got a picnic planned for the Coronation (and a day off school!), Y5 and Y6 are going on their residential trips and all the year groups have got some great trips coming up – Kew Gardens, the Tower of London among others and lots of sporting activities. Check the calendar for dates. 


 I can’t believe it – it’s snowing! Hopefully it won’t last too long but maybe you don’t agree. Soon it’s going to be Mother’s Day, are you planning a special treat? 


How the year is whizzing by – it’s half term already and in my house we are celebrating Valentine’s Day with hearts and sweets (not for me of course – I can only have special doggie chocolate). I hope you had a lovely half term and are getting your green outfits prepared for green day!

Puppy love


 Yippee there’s snow and I can put on my Christmas jumper and run in the garden. I bet you are all doing the same thing. Be careful out there! 

 I loved the Christmas dinner, especially the pigs in blankets. I ate the lot!

 I’m a lucky dog, I’ve got my own advent calendar, isn’t it fun? This year I am sending digital Christmas cards because it is more eco friendly. I thought you’d like to see them. Have you got your jazzy jumper ready? I can’t wait to see what everyone wears that day. 


 Have you heard there is a new dog in charge of the country? He’s just moved into number 10 Downing Street and his name is Nova, he is a Labrador Retriever. His dad is the current Prime Minister, do you know his name?


Oh dear, I am spending a lot of time hiding in the house because I hate fireworks, they really scare me and I know they scare my friends too especially when they make loud noises late at night. 

I hope everyone is going to come to school looking smart for their photographs. I bet everyone would like me to be in the picture. 

 Autumn in one of my favourite times of year – I love running in the leaves in the park and I love some of our special days – Be Bright Be Seen and walking to school. What we really need is a walk your dog to school too!


Everyone is very sad about the Queen, she was a real dog lover and always had dogs. She got her first Corgi when she was 18 and over her life had more than 30 and often took them with her on trips. She really knew how important dogs are to families. We will really miss her but we know that King Charles is an animal lover too – there is even a dog breed named after him! 


 I hope you are having a lovely summer holiday. Hasn’t it been hot? I’m looking forward to it being a bit cooler, dogs really don’t enjoy the heat so much.

I celebrated my 8th birthday during the holidays.


 We are very busy at the end of term and there is still lots of work to do before term ends! Sad I missed the Y6 disco but I heard it was great fun.

 Year 6 have been performing their end of year show – it was Oliver.

Ms Sampson was hoping to cast me as a part. However the only dog in the story is Bull’s-eye  the dog belonging to Bill Sykes. 

However – Bull’s eye is not a cute and cuddly dog like me – so I didn’t really fit the part!

I wasn’t able to take part myself so they made sure that I was still included in the play and a scene was set in Poppy’s Tavern!

 Wow isn’t it hot? I don’t remember it ever being this hot. My Mum has to get up extra early to walk me when it’s cool and I have a special cool mat in her office to lie on. Heat can be very dangerous for dogs so we have to stay in the shade and drink lots of water. You should do the same. 

 I was very impressed with the juniors in their sports day – great running and very good balancing in the egg and spoon. I tried that once but it didn’t really work with the spoon in my mouth. 

Poor infants had their sports day cancelled by the rain but they rescheduled it to another day and everyone had lots of fun.


 Did you hear that our Year 5 choir got to perform outside Buckingham Palace as part of the Jubilee celebrations? It was such a momentous day and they got to see the Royal Family. Hats off to Mr Hogan for sorting that one out. He’s a star. Maybe you already know that the Queen loves corgis? I’m sure she would like to meet me though. I had a great time during the celebrations and met someone who looked like the Queen and sat on a special throne. I think it suits me. 


 How do you like my outfit for our Jubilee Day? I can’t wait to see what you are all wearing.

 Y6 have gone off to Norfolk Lakes – still no invitation for me. Anyway I cheered myself up with a bit of fancy dress for the Eurovision Song Contest. It fits in with the British Values Day too!

 I said goodbye to Y5 today as they went off on their school journey to Gilwell Park. They are going to have such fun, it’s great there and so many activities although no dogs. 

Meanwhile my Mum made a funny joke – she said May the 4th Be With You and then she made me dress up. Do you know what I am? 

I’m Yoda of course


 Today I was out playing ball in the playground with Mrs Puzey and some children. I jumped up to catch a ball and banged my head on a table tennis table. I got a bumped head sticker and my mum got a text to say I had bumped my head – just like the children get.

I am very excited to tell you that we have a fundraising day for Guide Dogs on Friday May 13. The details are yet to be revealed so watch this space but in the meantime here is a picture of some lovely Guide Dog puppies. You can find out more about the charity here

 Did you have a lovely Easter holiday? Did you get any Easter eggs? I’d like to say that I did but did you know that chocolate is poisonous for dogs and makes them very sick? I had a fabulous time running in the parks and did lots of sniffing and tail wagging but I always love coming back to school to see everyone again.


Did you see the parents wearing pink waistcoats in the playground this week? They are our new Parent Champions and are there to give advice to parents about the local area. I wonder if they know any nice parks to walk dogs? 

One of my important jobs is to help look at children’s books and this week I had a look over Y2’s books as my Mum was reading about their curriculum. It was really interesting. 

 World Book Day is one of my favourite days at school. All the children – and the teachers – try so hard to have great costumers and this year it was even more fun because children had made shoe boxes into book displays too. Such fun! I hope you counted all the dots for the many dalmations there were scampering around, not to mention the very special Cruella Deville – she even scared me!



Well that was the windiest storm I have ever known. It was so windy today it was too dangerous to go to the park and I had to stay indoors all day. The wind had a name too – it was called Storm Eunice. All the big ones have names and they go aphabetically. I might have to wait  a few years for Poppy to come up – the next P is Pol. 

 I just loved the infant show, such brilliant singing and dancing! I could hear it all in my office – the one I share with my mum (she thinks it’s hers) – and I really wanted to join in but had to make do with lots of tail wagging. Those children were brilliant!


Then we had Crazy Hair Day which I always love even though I never get to dye my hair pink. Did you see Miss Roe? She looked fabulous.

And now it’s half term already, hope the weather stays nice for lots of trips to the park. I’m going to have a go at the treasure hunt – is it right I have to dig in the garden? Funny, I got told off for that last time. Hope you have fun. 


Isn’t it great to be back at school with all our friends? I hope you are keeping safe because a lot of people have been poorly. 

On the good news front the days are getting lighter and every now and then it feels like spring.


It was Christmas jumper day and someone was wearing me on their jumper! I’m making a Christmas list and it goes like this: new ball, maybe a stick, walk in the park, snuggles by the fire, yummy biscuits and a manicure. I’ve been very good this year so I think I’ll be lucky. Do you like my Christmas collar? 


 I was so excited this week because it was Christmas lunch and I got some. It was delicious!

 I’ve had a special haircut for Christmas and got my first present! Lucky me.


 Whizz bang pop fizz!! All weekend there has been so much noise near my house and I have to admit I was a little bit scared but I heard that some of my doggy and cat friends were so terrified by all the fireworks they have been hiding away and trembling and feeling sick so I’m pretty glad it’s all over. 

Did you see some of the amazing treats the PTA made for Guy Fawkes and Halloween celebrations? They were amazing (even if I didn’t get any!).


I had fun on Halloween, did you? I hope you brushed your teeth after all those sweets.

Look what my mum carved for Halloween. Or she said she did anyway.

Even I get cuddles and pastoral support when I need it!

I love you too Miss Needham

I think Autumn can be so much fun – running in the leaves looking for my ball and finding sticks – but there are a few things I worry about. Mainly it’s fireworks which I really don’t like because of the bangs late at night when I am trying to sleep. I hide under the blankets or snuggle next to my Mum. Also I’m not so keen on Halloween because people in scary costumes are always coming to the door and they don’t like it when I bark at them. 

Another thing that’s not so good is that conkers and acorns are poisonous for dogs so although I would love to play with them they would make me sick! Best to stay home and keep warm I think!


My mum read in the newspaper that dogs have become even more popular during lockdown and I can see why as we are very good company and loving and everyone likes to have a walk. Dogs are also helping to run the country, the Prime Minister has one and now the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak has one too. The Sunak family dog is Nova and lives in Downing Street. Maybe I’ll get an invitation to tea!

 Hello everyone and welcome back to school! It’s so great to be almost back to normal at school and to see all the children able to play together in the playground. 

I’ve really missed everyone even though I had a super holiday with lots of adventures you can read about below.


I have been on holiday to Wales. It really is a lovely place and so many things to do. This is me swimming in a lake at the bottom of a waterfall and on a boat. I am a true sea dog. 

And I went on a steam train round Lake Bala and on another train going up Mount Snowdon. I had the best time!

I’m really enjoying a nice break at home watching the Olympics. I really enjoyed the skateboarding and the diving. I think it would be fun to have a dog section, don’t you? Did you see that Tom Daley knitted a dog? 

Also I celebrated my 7th birthday, a bit late!


 So much sport going on at the moment! There’s lots on football on the TV – I’m supporting England, which team do you support? And there’s tennis of course and then there are the special Holly Park sports days. This year it is such a shame that no parents will be allowed into school to see them but I know you will all try your very hardest. 

Do you like my football shirt? 


Hold the front page! Have you heard the news? I have received an amazing award (with a special certificate!) from the PDSA which is the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals – a very important animal charity.

I’m so proud of my certificate!

It has given me a Commendation for Animal Devotion. The Director General of the PDSA said: “It was lovely to hear how Poppy contributes to a safe and positive environment in the school as well as supporting the children’s social and emotional development and behaviour.

My name will join a list of animals whose actions have enriched, supported and saved lives. 

I can’t say how much my tail wagged when I heard about this prestigious award. My Mum has put the certificate up on the wall in the school. You can read more about the PDSA awards here

 Being back at school is exhausting especially in this heat. It’s great to be sampling some of the school lunches though!

 I’m having a staycation at home with my Mum and have had such fun splashing in the garden. I wasn’t sure at first but then loved jumping in the spray. I hope you’re having fun too!

Gosh I’m exhausted! I’m glad that half term is over and I can have a rest. Good job the weather is so good. 


 This week is Mental Health Awareness week. Here is a friend of mine with a very important message – it’s always good to talk. 

Holly Park children can always come and talk to me – I’m a great listener. 


I can’t believe April is finished already. It’s still quite chilly out isn’t it? Everything seems a lot more normal at school now and it’s just great to have the children back in. Another long weekend and soon it will be International Day, I haven’t decided on my costume yet. 

 Did you all have a lovely Easter? I was really spoilt (what’s new I hear you say?) I got a special doggy Easter egg and some homemade biscuits with a special recipe for dogs. 

And did you see the snow? So chilly!


Today I am happy and sad. Happy because it is the holidays and I’ll get to go to the park but I’m really sad to be saying goodbye to Mrs Hassan who has been my friend for so many years and is really kind to me and to all the children too. Rumour has it that she plans to spend a lot of time in her garden growing flowers. I’m very good in gardens too. Especially with the digging. Woof woof Mrs Hassan.

It is great to be back at school. It is lovely to see everybody and I have definitely missed all of the attention. The staff think I am their therapy dog!

I’m so excited for World Book Day this week. The teachers and school staff have read books for you to listen to here. I love a good book, especially if it’s about a dog and you know I have my own book – can you spot it? 

I’m also really excited that all the children are coming back to school next week, finally! It’s been such a long time without you all and my tail is going to  wag itself crazy when I see you all. 


Did you hear that the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a dog who lives in Number 10 Downing Street. Can you find out his name?



Wow I love the snow, don’t you? I had so much fun rolling in the garden and Mr Read took some lovely pictures of school. I wish I could run around the playground, I bet his cats aren’t out there!

Welcome back to school – whether you are at home or in school. I hope to see you all soon! I thought you’d like this dog picture my friend saw in Muswell Hill. There is a man who paints tiny pictures on chewing gum on the floor which sounds yukky but they are amazing mini pictures, maybe you have spotted some? I don’t recommend you try it though!


Wishing all Holly Parkers a very happy Christmas. I hope Santa brings you some lovely presents. I’ve got quite a few under the tree!

So it was the nativity this week. Year 3 did very well indeed. I desperately wanted to be a sheep but Mr Bourne said no! Well look at this picture of my friend – see dogs CAN be in the nativity. Maybe next year.

Christmas lunch today. Yum yum I really enjoyed mine and wolfed it down! It was great to see so many children enjoying the lunch and our cooks did a great job. 

I’m so happy to have my Christmas jumper on and it’s great that the rest of the school has joined in!

In this cold and wet weather there is nothing else for it but to curl up in the warm! Brrrr!


What a lucky dog I am! My own advent calendar. I wonder what treats are in it. I’m told that lots more people have got dogs during lockdown because they realise how good we are for well-being and going for walks in the park. 


Bonfire Night – I hate it! My mum has wrapped me tightly to stop me being scared of the bangs. I’ve also got a jumper over my ears to make the fireworks not seem so loud. My mum even had to turn the radio on to drown out the noise. Us dogs hate fireworks! Please remember us.


How do you like my special pumpkin? I’m sad that this year I won’t have lots of children coming to my house for sweets but we have to stay safe.


Gosh it’s half term already. What are you going to do? Sadly we can’t go round to see our friends in their houses but we can meet in the park in small groups so I’m going to be getting out as much as possible. There are lots of conkers and acorns in the park but they are dangerous for dogs so my Mum doesn’t let me play with them. And then it’s going to be Halloween. Where I live we are going to put pumpkins and decorations out over half term for children to spot but we won’t be giving any sweets out. 

Don’t you just love the new playground? It’s so much bigger. I’m really impressed that all the children and their families raised the money to extend the playground. Well done everyone! 


This week was fun because the children each made a Happy Box about what makes them happy and there were some really interesting things in them – games, pictures of family, sweets! If I had made one it would have had my favourite ball, a picture of my family, my special treats and some Holly Park pictures. 

It’s back to school time and I can’t wait. Hasn’t it be the oddest summer? I have missed you all so much and can’t wait to greet you all at school again. 

I’m school ready!


I thought you’d like to see my photo album from the last year. I’ve had it made into a video so you can sit back and enjoy my highlights. Here it is 

I’ve had so much fun this year, what a shame we couldn’t spend more time together in the last few months but you will have a great summer and we can catch up in September. I’m hoping to go to the seaside with my Mum!

I have been practising my swimming in case there is a pool round for sports day. Have you seen my pictures. You wouldn’t believe how many people I can soak when I shake off the water! Anyway I am a very brave dog because not all dogs like water so an extra house point for me.

What marvellous news about our virtual sports day. I hope you’ve watched the videos. I’m sure I could take part; I’m really good at running, I’m great with balls, not so good at skipping and putting clothes on but I could have a go at hunt the biscuit. Can you guess what house I’m in? 

Miss Michael is just the kindest teacher. She has recorded another story for me. It’s called Can I be your dog?  I wonder if I can go to her house for my holidays then she can read to me every day? 

The children had to nominate people or animals they would like to see as a statue this week and I noticed there was a horse, a cat, a hamster but … no dog!

Pinch, punch first of the month and great to see so many children coming back to school. I’m in my own bubble with my mum but I’m hoping to pop out of it soon and see more children.


Lights, camera, action! I’m a star at last. This special tribute has been made for my 6th birthday today. I’m almost speechless apart from to say: ‘Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, I’m so happpeee!’ I had some lovely cards and biscuits.

Oh I want to say happy birthday to Mr French’s dog Bonnie who has turned 8 this week.


I’m so pleased to see more children in school, especially Year 6 because they will be leaving school soon and I’ll miss them a lot. I saw in the paper that dogs are really happy during lockdown because they have their families with them all the time and that’s true but I have 500 children in my family!

I have had my portrait drawn by a professional artist, do you like it? Maybe you could draw one of me too and send it to my Mum? I have had a playdate with another Cockapoo called Gus, quite a handsome beast! 

I’m so happy the dog groomers could fit me in for a trim. I look pretty good don’t I? And much cooler in this summer heat.

I’m a star! At last, I’m on video just like all the teachers and Miss Michael and my Mum and Lassie! I think this could be the start of a big career for me, don’t you? Poppy Goes to Hollywood. You can watch me here.  Anyone want an autograph? A pawprint? A selfie with me??

Hey everyone how are you? I can’t tell you how much I miss you all. It’s nice being at home with my Mum and I’m getting lots of cuddles but I really miss going for walks around the school and greeting all the children. I even miss meetings in the office. My Mum does this thing called Zoom, very odd, lots of faces on the screen but no one bothers with me! Maybe Miss Michael will read me another book? I’d really like that.


Hurrah! Someone has read a story for me. Thank you Miss Michael for my Hairy McLary.  I look  forward to lots more books with great dogs in!

Woof woof woof woof I love Hairy!

I really look forward to Thursday evenings when I go into the garden with my Mum and help the neighbours making a big noise for the NHS. I’ve got a special bandana and a flower to wear too. You wouldn’t believe how loud I can bark!

I’m still waiting for someone to read me a dog story!


In the Easter holidays we played lots of games including noughts and crosses. I think I was very good at it and got a treat each time!

Welcome back, I hope you’re enjoying the home learning. I know the teachers love teaching wearing their slippers! Have you seen our new Story Corner? I can’t wait for them to read some good dog books. My favourite is Hairy Maclary, he has some great mates – including Schnitzel von Krumm who is a dachshund, Hercules Morse, a  dalmation called Bottomley Potts and an Old English Sheepdog called Muffin McLay. Here’s a picture of Hairy. Maybe my mum will read it for you? 

Happy Easter. I hope you have lots of fun at home. Have you done Miss Michael’s quiz yet?


Lots of children have been sending in pictures of themselves doing exercise in this lockdown. I have been exercising too. I go for a walk every day and then they play ball with me in the garden. I do lots of running backwards and forwards. It tires me out! I’m not very good at giving the ball back once I’ve caught it though!


Hello everyone. Well I’m at home because school is closed- so lots of relaxing going on here although I am enjoying running round the garden chasing tennis balls.  I’m missing my sausages from the school kitchen! Tonight everybody went outside into the streets to clap for the fabulous job the NHS staff are doing looking after everybody who has the virus. I didn’t want to miss out so I joined in and barked from the doorway.

Gosh it’s so quiet in the streets and parks now. I’m sure everyone is at home doing their home learning! I know the teachers are missing you all very much. I’m allowed out for one walk a day – which is enough for me really! Then I’m just chilling at home but sometimes I go to school with my mum to see the children and staff there. Keep safe everyone!

Well the school is closed to most children because of the Coronavirus. Lots of people are worried. I’m just going to relax- there’s nothing else for it. The school is still open for the children of key workers so I will be going in too some days. Keep following dog blog to see what I get up to! Keep well everybody. The good news is that pets cannot pass the virus on so I can keep getting my daily cuddles.

So, in an attempt to cheer everyone up and distract them from the virus I am proudly wearing my St Patrick’s Day bows. Don’t I look like the top dog?

It’s Crufts this week. I found watching the agility very interesting. I jumped up at the TV a couple of times because I wanted to have a go. Maybe we could build a course in the new playground?


I went to a very special doggy party this weekend at Cockapoo café! I got a special invitation with my photograph on it.There were so many other cockapoos there – every colour and size you can think of. I got my own ‘puppacino’ with my name on the cup. I was a bit grumpy and didn’t really want to play with the other cockapoos – I even growled at a few but I loved the attention from all of the humans. I got some lovely treats – in the shape of hearts and paws. There were comfy sofas to have your photo taken on. I needed to come home for a big rest after all the excitement.

It is March and I am all ready for spring. Look at my beautiful daffodil collar accessory! Daffodils are my mum’s favourite flower because they are bright and cheery.

Here’s my entry for World Book Day. Can you guess the book?


Look at me! What an amazing drawing of me by Lexi. Although Mrs Puzey says that I need more practice sitting still as an artist’s model!

Look at all these bows and bandana. I am ready for Spring, St Patrick’s Day, St George’s Day and Easter! The red velvet bow is for a very special party that I am going to next week.


As it’s maths day I’d thought I’d share this maths story about a friend of mine. A farmer is wondering how many sheep he has in his field, so he asks his sheepdog to count them. The dog runs into the field, counts them, and then runs back to his master.

“So,” says the farmer. “How many sheep were there?”

“40,” replies the dog.

“How can there be 40?” exclaims the farmer. “I only bought 38!”

“I know,” says the dog. “But I rounded them up.”

Did you have pancakes today? I had two!! They were delicious.

It’s half term – so just like many Holly Parkers I’ve had my hair cut too!

Mr French took some children to the Climate March in London and took his dog Bonnie along too. Demonstration Dog!

Here’s Protest Pup outside Downing Street. The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a dog too called Dilyn.

I have definitely been in the valentine mood and wanted to share my Valentine gallery

Look what arrived for me today – a very posh food and water station with my name on it. I tried it out and it’s very good. This should stop people knocking my food and water bowl over by accident!

I’ve decided that the best thing to do while Storm Ciara is here is to lie back and relax.

Today I was the model for the  Y2 lunchtime drawing club. The children came to the office and did some pencil sketches of me.  Here are some of their drawings. ​I think they have done a good job. It’s not easy to draw my curly fur!

I needed a little nap afterwards under the desk. It’s hard work posing for drawings.


I love it when the children come and visit me. I am so comfortable and relaxed. I love to have my tummy tickled.

Now we are celebrating the Year of the Rat. Disappointing for those of us who are dogs, we liked it when we had our own special year but I’m special anyway. My Mum says. 

Tra la la la – I’m practising my singing because next week we have two musical events – the PTA are having a musical evening and a Pocket Opera are coming to school. I wonder whether it will be Wag-ner!

I was very spoilt over Christmas with lots of toys and treats. But I can’t wait to get back to school and see all my friends – I missed them!


The end of term is here and I’m home relaxing after a very busy term. See you next year!

This week I had to take some tablets to keep me healthy but I don’t really like them so my mum had to disguise them in some turkey. Mr Read helped her! But they didn’t fool me for a minute. There have been so many parties going on, everyone seemed to have such fun.

Look what Julie in the kitchen bought me for Christmas- my very own unicorn toy with a squeaker. I really like it! Lucky me.

I loved the Christmas lunch and it was great to see so many children enjoying it too. I heard that the staff thought it was yummy too!

Look who I have visited today! Santa told me that I had been a very good dog – so I am looking forward to lots of presents at Christmas.

I am enjoying all of the Christmas festivities. The Christmas tree is up in the office and it looks very festive.

Mrs Puzey bought me a Christmas jumper because the weather is a bit chilly outside when I go out to play with the children and the tennis balls. I wore it this week and I was using so much energy chasing around that I had to take the jumper off as I was too hot!

I have my very own advent calendar with dog treats in it each day. Don’t you think it looks like me? The children like opening the doors and giving me the treats.

I have heard that Santa is coming to Holly Park later in the week. I am being a good dog so that I can go and see him. 


The fire brigade came to visit this week. It was very exciting. I wonder what it would be like to be a fire brigade dog? I even got to sit in the cab.

I do love it in the winter when children wear their coats. The children take them off in the office and they make a lovely bed for me!!

This week has not got off to a good start. I had to go to the vet. It was just for my annual check up. I was terrified as there were two cats in the waiting room. The nurse gave me lots of fuss and she did laugh at me. 

When I went into the vet’s room they had to weigh me – I have lost weight since last year! She felt me all over. She took my temperature (not pleasant for a dog) and she looked at my teeth and eyes. Apparently my mum needs to brush my teeth with meaty flavoured tooth paste. I then had two immunisations – one up my nose and one with a needle. I was not impressed. I couldn’t wait to get out of there – but before we could get out my mum had a big bill to pay because I need flea and worm tablets as well!

My friend Scout was unhappy when he came to school because he wasn’t allowed to come in. He was very hang dog.

So Remembrance Day is coming up next week. The school have been selling poppies and the children and staff have been wearing them. Do you like my poppy ?- it’s attached to my collar. I’m wearing one too.

H2019 Limited UK Military World War Animals Purple Poppy Enamel Pin Badge Broochave you heard of the Purple Poppy? It’s a symbol of rememberance for animals that serve in wartime. These days it is usually dogs but in the past it was horses and it is thought that 8 million horses and donkeys died in the First World War.

Well I can’t say I’m too keen on all the bangs and booms I can hear outside with the fireworks. I’m having lots of cuddles to take me mind off it


It’s Halloween this week. I’m not too keen on this pumpkin. Did you hear the one about the CockaBOO?

So after just a few days back at school after the half term holiday – I am dog tired! It’s hard work getting lots of fuss by children and staff.

I have to tell you this is not my favourite time of the year even though I know children love it. Firstly there are lots of scary children knocking on the door but worse is all the bangs and noises at night. I’m sure I speak for lots of pets when I say that I hate fireworks! Please, please be thoughtful when setting off fireworks and remember that pets don’t understand the fun. 

I hope you all had a great time at half term even though the weather wasn’t great. I went on lots of walks to the park and met lots of lovely dogs. My Mum went to visit this puppy who is called Scout. I hope she doesn’t bring him home.

So today is ‘Be Bright Be Seen Day’  Everyone has come to school in bright colours. It is very important to wear bright colours in the winter so that drivers can see us when they are driving in the dark. Dogs also need to be seen in the dark – so car drivers dont hit us and so our owners can see us in the park as the light fades. Look at me in my ‘High Viz’ bandana – it is very bright and it is reflective too.

We have been busy lately – lots of children have been doing Bikeability and I’m so impressed by how good they are on the nearby streets and now we’ve got Walk to School week and it’s great to see everyone streaming into school!

Oh I do love a dress up day. This week we all had to wear yellow even me and my mum who really went to town! It was to support Young Minds for Mental Health Day which is our National charity. I think that I help well being at Holly Park because people smile when they see me, want to spend time with me and also get a lot of pleasure when they stroke me. I think I help to make people calm, relaxed and less stressed. I am here every day.

There’s going to be more dressing up next week for Be Bright Be Seen Day, I’m already looking our for outfits – it’s so important for dogs to be seen because we are smaller than everyone else.

Bow wow what a busy week it has been. Lots of grandparents came in for tea and cake, many of them said they have dogs at home and what good companions we are. That really made my tail wag even though I didn’t get any cake. Soon we are having Harvest Festival with the food going to homeless people and I often see how dogs are great company for people who don’t have families around them.

Great to see so many children coming to school on bikes, sadly I’m not allowed anywhere near them 


Lot of people came in for the Macmillan coffee morning today and such lovely cakes! Of course I didn’t have any because I’m not allowed to. Grrr! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on their bikes for Bikeability in the next few weeks.

So it’s back to school after a happy holiday. Everyone has their new uniform on and looks very smart. Facebook is full of back to school photos – so I decided to put on my back to school bandanna too – don’t I look nice!
I had a lovely holiday with lots of walks and fun in the garden. I even did a bit of swimming in the lakes at Trent Park!
It was very nice to be back at school though. Everyone was very pleased to see me – so I wagged my tail a lot!


……..and so another year comes to an end – and what a busy year I have had! I have such a lovely time in school with the children that several other Headteachers have asked my mum about having a school dog – so there might be some more furry friends in Barnet schools in September. There is rumour of a Barnet school dog Crufts competition next year!

Here is a picture of me with some of my Y6 friends who will be  leaving. I will be very sorry to see them all go. I am looking forward to a really nice rest over the summer.

I tried so hard to get into the Y6 show but they just kept telling me there were no dogs in The Lion King! Really, I could have improvised. I mean look at my outfit. And I can sing. Maybe not quite as well as them but hey ho. I wonder if I’ll get a look in at the Leavers’ Assembly? I heard there’ll be tears.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

When I was out and about at the weekend I met Rufus and he’s a school dog too – at Archer Academy in East Finchley. Jolly nice chap he was too with a very waggy tail.

It’s still really hot in school and I’m such a hot dog, I’m so lucky that I have a special cool mat to lie on in Mum’s office, she says she would like one for her feet!

Some people think I am spoilt but it’s not true. Here’s a picture of one of our lovely cooks bringing me a spot of lunch. She’s so lucky to have me. 

Oh the lovely singing that’s been going on in the hall this week as the choirs practise for their concert. I heard they were really good singing at Brent Cross last week. I wish I could have gone too. You should hear my singing.


It was my 5th birthday this week. I had a celebration assembly and a party! We played games including pin the tail on the dog and pass the parcel.

This week we had a day dressed up in purple to raise money for Barnet hospital. Do you like my bandana?

The athletes heading for Copthall stadium this week all looked so eager and smart. I really thought I was in with a chance of being picked for the relay team but they only wanted two-legged runners. What a shame but I bet they do really well without me.

Gosh it was quiet this week without those Y6s. I heard they had a marvellous time in Norfolk despite the terrible weather. I love a puddle myself. So many nice pictures on the website too. Meanwhile I’m getting ready for their show. Can you guess what it is? Grrrrrrrrr.

Such fun this week, everyone dressed in pyjamas (except me) and we had stories read in the classrooms by parents. I love a good story, especially if it’s about dogs. I like Hairy McLary and 101 Dalmations.

I’m a sports crazy hound! Here I am waiting for a big football match to start supporting my team (I have so much in common with Mr Bourne). And I enjoyed playing cricket in this sunny weather. I am an excellent fielder – just not so keen on giving the balls back!


It’s half term . I’m not doing anything special, just relaxing and chilling out and preparing myself for the second half of the term of sports days, concerts and lots of fun. Not to mention waving goodbye to the Y6s going on their school journey to Norfolk.

Oh my goodness I’ve never seen such tired and happy children as those Year 5s after their school journey. Just the most fun! And such lovely weather. Now we all deserve a nice holiday. Oh, but just before we broke up did we had this lovely chap come in to do a Haka, you should have seen some of the faces he could pull! It was great fun, I loved it when all the children did it too!

Oh the excitement in the hall this morning! I’ve never seen so many Mums and Dads looking a bit teary at the thought of their 10 year olds leaving home for a few days. I’m sure my Mum would be jumping with joy at the thought. I was a bit sad that I couldn’t go along to Gilwell Park too as I’ve heard they have some great geese that are worth chasing, hmm maybe that’s why I couldn’t go.

Can you believe we have a long weekend already? I can’t wait for a good old run in the park!


I had a lovely Easter break and even had my very own doggy Easter egg! Hope you had fun too.

Happy holidays everybody! I’m having a lovely relaxing time after lots of running round the park and splashing in streams. 


Happy Mother’s Day to all you lovely Mums at school. I went shopping and got this super mug for my Mum. She loved it!

It was so busy in my office this week (the one I share with my Mum). There had been a big vote – nothing to do with Brexit – to get some new governors and I was on paw to help count the votes.

Oh, I really am Top Dog these days – at a conference about schools, an important man in education Sir Anthony Seldon said that every school should have a dog or another pet to reduce stress.  He said schools should think about the emotional well-being of pupils and that dogs could help reduce anxiety because children relate to animals when they are hurt and anxious and sad in a way that they can’t always with human beings

Education Secretary Damian Hinds also said that more schools seem to have “well-being dogs” and “the pets can really help.”  He said it wasn’t around when he was at school and that first he was a bit surprised, but actually it’s a great thing. He commented that for the kids it can be really uplifting, particularly those that have different ways of expressing themselves and coming out of themselves – and the dogs can really help.

Also an article in The Times newspaper featured dogs in school and commented that well-being animals in school can really make for happier more focused pupils. It pointed out that research has shown that having a dog in school has profound and measurable outcomes.

I got a picture from Amelia in Y4 this week because she had met another dog called Poppy who looks just like me! This other Poppy goes to Amelia’s dance class. Isn’t that amazing? I don’t know if the dog dances!

So another busy week. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Enabling Enterprise day today – a day in politics

I didn’t notice anybody making a party for dogs to join though – I might need to set up my own group -The Barking Hounds??

I decided to go and check out the first aid room today – I’ve seen that it gets a lot of visitors and everyone who goes in there gets a lot of attention.  The bed is very comfy – and yes I did get a lot of fussing. Might visit there again!

What a great start to the weekend – a sleepover! It was the most fun spending all night at school with Y4. We played so many games and I got to visit them in their sleeping bags. I was a bit cross I didn’t get any pizza and I didn’t get much sleep but it was great fun. 

We had a great time for World Book Day. All the children (and teachers) came dressed as an interesting word. Guess what mine was?

Yum yum yum I enjoyed my pancake day. I had ham in mine, very tasty. What did you have?

Oh it is nice to be back at school, I do miss those children when I’m away. We did have an interesting time last week – lots of people came in to talk about food all day! They seemed to be having a tasting session but I didn’t get any crumbs. 


I am enjoying a very relaxing half term having a bit of me time!

I have to admit I had never heard of Valentine’s Day before but I was super pleased to get these yummy treats. I hope you had a lovely day too xx

Last week was busy. I went into the hall to watch the final rehearsals of the infant show. I enjoyed the singing and dancing very much.

It was also the school discos – I didn’t go inside because the music was quite loud but I had a little dance in the office. The children all looked very happy and were wearing some colourful glow bands – I could do with one on my collar so I can be seen running in the park at night!

It was a very exciting end to the week – more snow! The children were very excited to see it. The adults were not!

The school was open but all of the children had to stay inside at playtime  in case of accidents 

I was allowed to play outside in the snow with some groups of children. I went out several times – I had a great time. The children threw snowballs for me to catch and chase. I loved running in it and digging. I didn’t want to go inside.


I LOVE the snow! It’s so much fun digging and rolling in it and then I like shaking my fur all over my Mum!  The children at school were very excited to see the snowflakes coming down too. Funnily enough the adults didn’t quite share our joy.

I’m sad it’s gone now and it’s a bit muddy in the park but I heard it may be coming back.

There were lots of meetings in my Mum’s office this week. Some nice governors came and I tried to join in. I always get lots of pats and cuddles from them.

The week started well but on Wednesday evening I was not very well. I was sick and I didn’t eat anything. I was not my usual bouncy self and I just wanted lots of cuddles with my mum.

On Thursday morning I was not much better so my mum took me to the vets. He was very nice until he started to examine me. He took my temperature (not a very nice experience) weighed me, looked at my gums and felt my stomach. He thought I had a tummy bug. He gave me an injection – which was very itchy and some powder to go on my food. Everyone at school was very worried about me – and I had lots of people come to see me.

I am feeling much better now and have had some walks around the school. My tail is wagging again and I am starting to eat some of my food.

Hello everyone and a very waggy new year. I hope you had as much sleep as me over the holidays. I got some really lovely presents all of which have been eaten. But isn’t it nice to be back at school? I missed you all!


Look a present in the shape of a very big bone – I wonder who that’s for?
So it’s the end of term today – what an interesting term it’s been and what a fabulous panto we had today.
I’m going to miss everyone and all the fuss I get- but I’ll get a nice rest. I’m all set now with my Christmas bed and can you see my stocking hanging up . It’s got some things in. It already but I’m sure that Santa will fill it some more! I got lots of Christmas cards but this is my favourite – it’s personalised.

Well what a week!

I’ve had lots of cuddles this week – which has been lovely.

I enjoyed Christmas lunch – I had sausages, bacon and turkey – delicious!!!!

The electricity went off which caused a great stir – no heating or lighting in many parts of the school – but I was fine in my warm cosy blanket.

It was Christmas jumper day – I had several to choose from. I might wear another next week to keep the festive cheer

I went to visit the grotto – which is very pretty – unfortunately Santa wasn’t there so I couldn’t give him my wish list.

I’m very pleased to say that everyone is walking around with big grins on their faces this week, must be something to do with those inspectors. I’ve been joining in with lots of tail wagging. 
Well it’s been an exhausting week at school this week so here I am at home dog tired and relaxing for the weekend and building my strength for all of the festivities of next week. 
This week we had a long governor meeting, the candlelight concert, decorations going up and rehearsals for the nativity. I tried to sneak onto the stage as a sheep but Mr Bourne spotted me and was not impressed!
I’m exhausted- but I am looking forward to all the parties and meeting Santa in the grotto again. Let’s not forget Christmas lunch next week – yum!

So it’s the 1st of December and it’s starting to look a lot like Christmas. Look at me – I’ve got two advent rings – yum. I’ve had the first one today. Woof woof.


So we had an Ofsted inspection this week. Everyone was working very hard but to be honest, I think I was the star of the show. I helped everyone feel very calm and relaxed and I got lots of attention. I’ve never stayed at school so late in the evenings! The inspectors really liked me and I only barked at them once! I think it was the first time that a dog has been present at the feedback meeting. I wagged my tail sooo hard. 

I was a bit confused on Thursday when everyone came in dressed in green when I thought the uniform was red but then it was explained to me that children were giving donations for a greenhouse for our allotment. What a great idea, then we can grow lots of plants from seed.

My Mum and I had such fun watching Children in Need and I got new ears!

I was very tail-waggy when I got my own scarf with poppies on to match everyone else.

I have to admit that I get a bit nervous at this time of year. So many fireworks banging and flashing. Sometimes I just hide it my bed or cuddle up to my Mum. Please remember that pets don’t understand the fun of fireworks, it makes us nervous, so don’t let them off too near houses or late at night!


The PTA sold lovely tasty Halloween treats after school on Halloween. I decided that I should join in with the Halloween fun and wore my tasteful Halloween pumpkin bandanna.

I have enjoyed Poppy Club this half term – I get lots of fuss and a nice walk round and round the playground. Here is a picture of me with some Poppy club members.

Today was Be Bright Be Seen Day. Lots of children were very brightly dressed. Well I didn’t have anything bright to wear today – however as it is getting darker earlier, I think that my mum should buy me one of these glow in the dark collars don’t you? 

Year 1 went on an Autumn walk today. I am also enjoying my Autumn walks. I love chasing the squirrels and rolling in the leaves. Look at me in the Autumn leaves at Friary Park

Isn’t the weather marvellous. I love running in the park in the all the crunchy leaves. And have you seen all those children on their bikes doing Bikeability? They are really good at it.

There have been lots of people coming in for coffees, teas, biscuits and fish and chips this month. Some yummy smells but not a crumb for me!

I thought you’d like this picture of me with my teddy – I love carrying it round and greeting people with it.


So it’s not only the staff and the children who are exhausted after the first few days back. I’m dog tired!

My tail is wagging so hard the floor is shaking! I can’t wait to see all my friends back at school this week and hear all about their holidays.


So…… I’ve been a school dog for a whole year and it’s been great. I’ve made so many new friends. But shhhhhhh!!!!!  I thought I’d just pop into this seat and take a selfie because we all know who is the real boss around here don’t we? I really am TOP DOG!
See you in September!

It has been a very hot week this week. I have been a hot dog!

I have a special cool blanket that is designed for pets in hot weather. It stays cool and I love lying on it – it is nice and cold.  

It was sports days last week – I noticed that there was no dog race – a four-legged race. Maybe next year!

Well – I am actually rather upset – can you believe it? I didn’t get picked to play the part of Toto in the Y6 show The Wizard of Oz! I waited and wagged and wagged some more but the invitation never came my way, what a disappointment. Hmmmm the cheek – they certainly couldn’t bark as well as me – the office staff will tell you – I have a VERY loud bark. Maybe Reception will let me be in their assembly next week.

 School reports went out this week – I didn’t get one of those either. Oh well – I am sure it would have said – TOP DOG.  Full marks for tail wagging! My attendance has been superb and I am very friendly and kind to others – well with the exception of Marble!!

I’m panting, it’s soooo hot. I have to drink lots of water like you and stay in the shade as much as I can. I can’t even have an ice lolly. I hope it cools down a bit for sports day!


I really am top dog this week because it’s my 4th birthday – that’s 28 in human years and, boy, did I celebrate! I had a spa experience (shampoo and trim really). Then the whole school sang Happy Birthday to me. Mrs Puzey and some children had made me special biscuits and I got a doggy birthday cake and lots of presents.

I’m also going to have a pooch party with my canine chums.

I have been absolutely shattered this week!

​Most of the children in Y6 have been away on school journey in Norfolk but those who didn’t go have also had a fun week and I have joined them for lots of their activities. I have been to Friary Park with them and have done lots of exciting things in the playground.

On Friday they watched ‘Ice Age’ the movie and ate popcorn. I sat right through the movie. It was very enjoyable but I wasn’t keen on the Poppy-corn!

Half term was pretty quiet for me and I was looking forward to getting back to school to see all my friends but I have to say it’s quiet here too. No Year 6 and no Miss Michael! I heard they are all having an amazing time in Norfolk. I’m sure they could have taken me too. Whine.

Just look at this dog, Maisie, who has been in The Times newspaper. She’s a school dog too.


So….. this week has been a VERY exciting week

I went to visit the chicks in reception they were quite interesting – I enjoyed sniffing them and watching them in their incubator

It is official – the Y6 show is The Wizard Of Oz. Well who do you think is going to be Toto? I hope that it is me. However, I haven’t been called to audition yet. I even went to the park one lunchtime and rolled in all of the dust and dirt so that my fur would be the right colour.

It was crazy hair day today. My mum put some silly bows in my hair – well I soon sorted that out. One quick shake of my head and they were out!  

Half term now – I think I deserve a rest after such a busy week.

So this week has been Y6 test week so I have spent a bit more time in the office.

I have enjoyed the special Y6 breakfast before the tests – toast and butter is quite a treat I could get used to!!

I am getting very brave now I have been here almost a year – when the buzzer goes I like to go out and greet our visitors.

I wouldn’t be much good as a guard dog though as I just wiggle and wag my tail and enjoy all of the fuss everybody gives me.

My mum think that I could be trained as a carrier dog – and take messages around the school.

I have heard that there are some new chicks in the school – so I am not the only pet at the moment. I think I might need to go and visit them very soon.

It was so quiet last week without year 5 but I heard they had a fantastic time at Gilwell Park. I really wish I could have been there running around the fields having fun. Although I did hear there was a very loud goose and I wouldn’t have liked that. Maybe they will take me next year?

Everyone is working really hard at the moment. Something about tests I heard. 


We had the most fun today – it was Project Britain Day and everyone dressed up in red, white and blue – even the teachers. And me! I had my own Union Jack neckerchief and got to meet a Pearly King and Queen.

I’m so happy to be back at school and see all my friends. I saved my Easter egg to open with the children.

I bet you’re impressed by my ball skills while I played cricket on holiday!

Look at the yummy egg I got for Easter – specially made for dogs.

It’s the Easter holidays and it’s going to be very quiet without all those children to play with me but I’m going on a spa holiday – to my dog sitter for a pamper and to play with the other dogs.

Then I’m going away with Mum and my friend Dyllen to a dog-friendly cottage.

Have you read the books about Hairy Maclary? He’s such a fun-loving dog and has lots of friends with great names. Here is a poem about them:

Schnitzel von Krumm – with a very low tum,
Bitzer Maloney – all skinny and bony,
Muffin McClay – like a bundle of hay,
Bottomley Potts – covered in spots,
Hercules Morse – as big as a horse
and Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy”


It has been very serious in the office this week with lots of talk about budgets and finance and Mrs Hassan has been in a lot to talk about money.

There have been pupil progress meetings and the teachers have been talking to my mum about all the children.

In assembly this week, the children sang happy birthday to my mum. She celebrated a special birthday – it was a multiple of 10!

I had a tour around the school on Enabling Enterprise day – the children were all very busy talking about a new sport that they wanted to create – I like any game with a ball in it!!

It was the Spring fair. There was lots of excitement about chocolate. I helped my mum judge the Easter nest competition. I would have liked to have a quick nibble of some of them BUT chocolate is poisonous to dogs!

Lots of children have brought their bikes into school this week and seem to be having lots of fun cycling in the playground.

The answers for my World Book Day competition about dogs in books can be found on the Competitions page? How did you get on? 

What a funny weekend I had – my Mum said she was sleeping at school overnight with lots of children and teachers. I really couldn’t understand why I couldn’t go too. She did say it was hard to sleep in her office because the light kept coming on.

This week has been a very dull one for me – my mum has been on several courses and she has been setting the school budget so I only came into school on Thursday.

Everyone was delighted to see me though and I got lots of fuss.

Unfortunately I wasn’t invited to the Y4 sleepover – I think again I will miss out on all the fun!!

What a week!!

The Instrumental concert on Tuesday evening was fantastic – I had to listen to it from the office as I wasn’t allowed in – what a shame. I could have howled along to accompany some of the tunes!

The snow on Wednesday caused quite a fuss and commotion. I don’t know why because I thought it was great. We did get to go home early though.

I have to be careful walking across the gritted playground – grit and salt is very bad for a dogs paws.

On Thursday it was World Book Day – what a great effort the children made. Sadly I didn’t have a costume – but my mum has a great idea for me for next year though.

I hope all the children have had a go at my World Book Day competition all about dogs in books.

A snow day on Friday – I spent the day either playing in the garden or curled up warm in bed!


It’s chilly outside so my Mum got me this yummy warm outfit.

I can’t wait to see everyone dressed up for World Book Day, the costumes are always so fun. I love books – as you can see below – so I’ve asked for a special quiz about dogs in books for you to do.

I had a look through my dog-eared books and came up with a great list of questions. You can take the quiz here and make no bones about it!

My goodness isn’t it cold? I thought it would be a good idea to curl up in my basket with a good book. Do you know there are so many great dogs in books? I thought I would tell you about some each month. The first one is Timmy!

Timmy is in more than 20 books written by Enid Blyton – they are the adventures of the Famous Five and they are brilliant. The books are about four children and a dog – Timmy belongs to George and he is a very friendly, brave and loyal dog who protects George when she gets into lots of adventures. I’d love to meet Timmy!

My friend was reading The Times today and thought they saw me with a member of the government, Mr Gove. It wasn’t me but it could have been one of my cousins.

went to the seaside in half term. Here’s a video of me finding a star fish!


I’m delighted to find out that 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Happy Chinese New Year to all my friends. I found this quote on a Chinese website and think it is very true:

“A Dog’s most defining characteristic is their loyalty. They will never abandon their friends, family or work.

Honest and just, they are popular in social circles. Everyone needs a Dog friend for advice and help. They are also good at helping others find and fix their bad habits.

Despite how they act, they are worried and anxious inside. However, they will not let this stop them. Once they decide on something, no one can persuade them against it.”

Did someone say it was Valentine’s? 

Half term, what fun! Look at me after a good run in the park.But wasn’t it chilly?

We had some more governor meetings this week and I joined in. Someone had a tummy gurgle and blamed it on me!

It has been a busy week this week I have been at home when my mum has been at several meetings this week.

The infant show is coming on well I think – the scenery looks great – it is a real art gallery. The songs and music are wonderful. I particularly enjoyed watching Mrs Casey and Mrs Fitzpatrick boogeying away. My mum gave them a headteacher award for their dancing!

I have had lots of walks around the playground with Mrs Puzey and some children. A new dog walking club began for children in Y4 – it was nice to meet them, they are so kind to me.


 This week I have only been at school in the afternoons as my mum has been at lots of meetings and courses in the mornings.

The costumes on International Lunch Day looked amazing – such a variety!

There have been early morning meetings and evening meetings in the office this week and I have been very good – listening in my basket. The school is very busy and there are lots of important things being discussed. There is lots of talk about the school improvement plan and the work the school is doing to improve maths and writing. One of the meetings was a very early governor meeting – I liked meeting them.

This week Mrs Puzey had a VERY special birthday. I bought her present and even signed it myself.

I have had a quiet week this week. There have been lots of people still fussing me and I have been out chasing balls in the infant playground most afternoons – it’s great fun.

I made a visit to Reception this week. They have a vet role play area – the children were keen to look at me and we talked about what a vet does. Mrs Walton took my picture to go on the wall of the vets

There have been quite a few meetings in the office this week and I have been very good.

I had a bit of scare when we left school one night at 6.30pm and a huge fox ran across the playground in front of me and jumped over the fence into a garden – I did bark to tell it not to come back!

The Spring term has started but it feels like I am coming to school in the middle of the night it is so dark at 8am! Everyone is rather tired and still full of Christmas turkey and pudding I think. My new year’s resolution is more walking and more sleeping. 

Everyone was really pleased to see me and I have had lots of fuss and attention.

I have discovered that the infant playground is fabulous for running and chasing after balls. When it is empty, some children have been taking me in there and throwing tennis balls for me to chase – it’s great!

I haven’t seen Marble to wish her happy new year – I think she is hiding from me!


They say it’s a dog’s life but just take a look at all the goodies I got for Christmas! I need to get back to dog walking club to get rid of my tummy! But maybe a nice snooze first zzzzzzzzzzz

So having spent two very dull days at home this week while my mum was ill, I was very pleased to be back at school today and getting lots of fuss

The Christingle assembly was beautiful and Y6 carried their candles very sensibly. The Christmas sing song was very noisy – too noisy for me – I went back to my bed for a snooze but the children and Mr Hogan were certainly getting in the festive spirit.

The staff panto was hilarious as always – I think next year I should definitely be in that too! Perhaps they can do the Wizard of Oz and I can be Toto!!

I got several Christmas presents which I look forward to opening and telling you about – and another stocking!!

I came out to the gate at the end of the day to say goodbye to everyone and wish them a Happy Christmas. It was very cheery. Y5 and Y6 were singing carols under the canopy and so many people stroked me on their way out.

This week everyone had Christmas lunch – including me! I had two helpings of turkey and sausages. Today was the nativity rehearsal – it was beautiful and the children sang and spoke really well. I’m sure I could have been in the stable scene. Look I got my own Christmas stocking! 

Such a treat – a day off school and I was allowed to play in the snow. I just loved jumping up and down in it and wearing my special jumper. I saw lots of school children playing in the park. I’d have loved to have been the first one to run across the school playground with all that fresh snow!

How lucky am I – I went to see Santa Claws!

I received my first Christmas card this week – very exciting. I am still getting lots of visitors in the office. It amused me that when the bell went – one child said ‘goodbye Mrs Poppy!’ to my mum.

On Wednesday the decorations went up – the school looks lovely. I like the Christmas tree in the office. On Thursday I went for a run at Friary Park during lunchtime – it poured and I got soaked – as did my mum. I went over to the Orchard room with Mrs Puzey and I sat by the heater in there so I was soon dry!

My Christmas jumper

Friday was Christmas jumper day. Mrs Puzey bought me a jumper – I quite like it!

All of the children are visiting Santa today in his grotto before the Christmas fair. I had to have a turn too and tell him what my Christmas wishes are (snuggly bed, juicy bone, chasing Marble!)

I am the top dog now! I’ve just come back from the beauty parlour for my Christmas shampoo and trim and don’t I look dapper? 

I also had my ears cleaned so I’ll be able to hear the choir practising and my nails clipped. Here are my before and after pictures. It is a bit chilly though.

BOW WOW I’m so popular I get lots of letters and presents! You can see some in my pictures. I hope I get lots of Christmas cards in the special post. Mum is very strict about treats though and I’m not allowed any chocolate because it is very bad for dogs!

I think I’ll get a stocking though from Santa Claws!


Another busy week for me. On Tuesday I went to Friary Park at lunchtime and got back to school quite muddy. The next day it was dog walking club with Y3 – I get to go round the tree in the story garden lots of times!

The same day Marble the school cat came to visit me in the office – I wasn’t at all keen – in fact I was shaking with fear – I’m not so sure about that cat!

I am learning lots of Christmas carols which sound lovely as the choirs are rehearsing for the candlelight concert – it’s rather nice to snooze to! Hope I don’t snore.

This morning there was a flurry of snow – me and the children thought it was great – not so sure the adults did though! I do hope we get some more.

The nativity scenery in the hall is looking very sparkly and the children are trying on the costumes. Did they have dogs in the stable? Maybe I could be in that scene? Although I’d quite like to be an angel or star dancer.

All the children have been making Christmas decorations – I am looking forward to seeing them hanging in the dining hall next week. I hope I haven’t got too much glitter in my fur!

More dog walking club this time with Y5 and 6. I got lots of treats at the end.

Can’t wait for Christmas, what do you think I’ll get in my stocking? I’ve already started my advent calendar.

Another busy week draws to a close. Tonight there have been so many Mums and Dads in the school talking to the teachers, I would have loved to meet them all and show them my wagging tail but they all seemed very busy.

My first school photo

The children have also been busy this week – as usual. They were talking about bullying which we all know is very nasty. Do you know some animals get bullied too? Usually by humans so that doesn’t include chasing Marble. I wonder if we will have a Kind to Animals week soon?

It’s getting really chilly outside, I hope the children are all wearing hats and scarves and that Mum buys me a snuggly coat to wear on the way to school.

On Tuesday I went to the vet for my annual check up – I am in fine form and have even lost weight since I’ve been at school – it must be all the dog walking I’m getting!!! I also had two injections to make sure I stay well.

Friday was an inset day – the school was very quiet and I didn’t get so much attention as usual. Still I can had a nice sleep in my basket. The teachers were getting the scenery ready for Christmas, having a safeguarding quiz and doing online anti bullying training. I had a play date at Friary park during lunchtime – chased a few squirrels!!


Stretch out in my basket at home, another cosy night. I paws for thought, it must be breakfast time.

Down the stairs comes Mum and before I know it we are in the car and off to school. I love it there, so many people to sniff and everyone is nice to me. I have my own cosy basket in the head’s office – I must be the top dog!

So, what’s on the agenda today? It’s Road Safety Week – so important, the children are going to learn about crossing the road and looking left and right. I don’t know my left from my right so I sit on the kerb and wait to be told when it’s safe. The children are going to learn about it all in assembly.

Our office!

Oh, it’s time for my walk, who will it be today? Mum has set up a dog walking club which is terribly popular so I get to meet lots of different children, they are so nice to me! They walk me around the playground and sometimes I get to chase that cat Marble for a bit but I never catch it. Then it’s time for a snooze in my basket.

In the afternoon that nice Mrs Puzey takes me over to her room to meet some more lovely children and we talk about reading. I can’t read but they are getting really good at it.