We have officially launched our new Holly Park Appeal for the academic year 2023/24. I am very excited to say that our new appeal is to create a new library space within our school.

Why have we chosen a library for the appeal?

With the loss of a Y6 bulge class this summer in July 2024 – the school will be back to being completely two form entry from September 2024. This will be the first time we have not had any bulge classes for the past 12 years. This means that the school will have two spare and empty classrooms. With falling numbers of children in Barnet – there is not likely to be the need to use these rooms as classrooms for the foreseeable future. We are planning ahead for September 2024 and we do not want to have two empty rooms. It is useful to have one spare classroom – for meetings, for intervention groups etc – but not two empty rooms.


For a school as big as ours, there is no dedicated library space. All of our books are currently in classrooms or on shelves in corridors or central spaces – which is not ideal. Turning one of our spare classrooms into a nice cosy and attractive library will free up much needed space in corridors and shared spaces and will result in books being better cared for and children having a welcoming and dedicated spaces for books and for reading.

The library will be a lovely quiet space and sanctuary and will help to encourage a love of reading. Having a dedicated library space within our school will very much raise the profile of reading.

What exactly would the money raised buy?

A complete refurbishment of one of our classrooms into a bespoke library space with a new carpet, wall art, many bookshelves, cosy nooks, comfy seating, a space for groups and some new books.  The total cost to create the new library will be approximately £25k and this is not something that we can afford out of a very tight school budget.

How will the money be raised?

We hope to raise this money by making bids through an application to the Friern Barnet Education Trust and through PTA events across this Spring term and the summer term to help raise funds for this project. We will also be launching a crowd funding appeal in the summer term and asking for parent help and support with this to share it amongst friends and family members.

Read about our Crowdfunder here. 

You can donate using this QR code:

Who is leading this appeal and driving it forward?

As with our last appeals, this appeal is driven by a committee of people – myself, governors, the PTA and staff – all working together for a great cause for the children. The team is led by myself and Otto Balsiger and Andrea Messios who are governors with responsibility for Income Realisation. Other governors on the committee include Clare Hegarty, Chair of Governors. The PTA is represented by their treasurers – Alison Balsiger and Amy Ramsey. Miss Sampson who is our reading lead will also be taking a keen interest in the project.

When will the appeal be finished?

We hope that funds will be raised by July 2024 so that the library can be constructed in the summer holidays ready for an opening in September 2024.

Who will benefit from this appeal?

All Holly Park children will benefit from this appeal!

What is the next step in terms of the appeal?

We hope that everyone in our Holly Park community will engage with this appeal and see how it will be able to raise the profile and enjoyment of reading even further at the school and support all of our Holly Park children. The official crowd funding campaign will launch in the summer term.